hahaha....i just slept like 15+ hours. great huh? hahaha

wesley youth ministry camp
4th - 7th december 2003

ok. it all passed by really fast so i can't really remember in detail what happened. but i will type what i can remember in an as-detailed-as-i-can manner for the benefit of some people....yes....haha

went one night earlier, straight from my sec4 dinner. blah blah. then woke up at like...4?! melissa thought it was 5...haha. but nvm coz i couldn't sleep too. we went to the toilet and when we came out, gary was standing there...we got a shock. then this voice from behind came. we jumped. -zhou hao. haha. zhou hao and jerik were sleeping outside the classrooms. talked outside for a while. then went to caltex with gary. haha. don't think we were allowed to but...who cares? haha.

ok. day 1 of camp :
helped with registration stuff by giving out the camp t-shirts. jerik too. quite fun. and we ate our breakfast of chee kueh [wrong spelling?haha] and rachael kept wanting to eat it too coz....it was the best. out of all the other stuff dickson (?) bought. yeps.

and so, the day went by. i admit i didn't really like pastor joel's msg. [psst. i was falling asleep]. he was talking about acts....changed lives .....that kinda stuff.

night games. ah. wasn't as dirty as last year and we weren't blind folded. was good again and we had that dig-your-hand-in-a-pail-to-find-something again. cross trainers: make it murkier next time! then it'll be really gross. haha... our group needed one more person to go in and rachel and i volunteered immediately. haha.but only needed one person so rachel went in. it's quite fun to get dirty you know? [like alpha camp.....soak yourself in mud! whoohoo!]

ok. day 2 :
pool games. unfortunately, i wasn't feeling well. [grrr] so i couldn't play. :( val too so we just waded in the wading pool and cheered. played "volleyball". ohwells, we had our own fun.
james singh came to preach. he's good. had ministry time after that and pple were slain. kneeling down and all that. really good. thank GOD. :)

at night pastor joel came again. it was better this time. i was awake coz i was writing notes. haha...i actually purposely sat at the back...in case i fell asleep. heh. oops...

wei came to camp at night. [he just came back from europe] and gave me a swiss army knife. and we were eating apple chips and mozart chocolate in the hall.
short worship meeting. and then worship prac.

day 3 :
we went out to evangelise. my group [dory] went to clementi. i paired up with my brother. and...i should have learned my chinese better lah huh... first 3 pple we came across and decided to talk to were all chinese speaking so i like, said the basics like..."how are you" in chinese and my brother did the rest mostly. haha. but ah ha! finally...my turn...this woman. look like filipino, malaysian? whatever. i cou;dn't tell. and i went to talk to her. she was waiting for someone. and she was a muslim. i don't think she was a very "strong muslim" or she woul;dn't have listened to what i had to say. and thank God for the bookmark i had with me [made by mag :)] it was about ...having wisdom is better than having gold and having understanding is better than having silver. and i explained that there's more to life than money and all that and for true happiness you need GOd and blah blah lah....yah.

james singh again. i ate part of my honey stick during his msg. haha i was playing for worship so during ministry i went up to play. was good. we had prayer too.

talentime. my group had lotsa fun during preparation. sherie really can act like donny in the wild thornberrys. we were laughing like siao man.....haha. esp. shashi. and we had a dance : dory dory glory glory happy new year. quite fun doing it :)

and then...worship. whoohoo! that was the ultimate man. joel only planned 6 songs. but we ended singing about 30 [acc to him] and worship lasted 3 and a half hours! it was really good and you all should have seen it. everybody just jumping and praising God and just wanting more and more songs. and kathleen kept choosing "free" on the powerpoint. ahahaha.....i didn't know how to play a lot of songs so i just hung on the same note for those songs. and there was this stupid mosquito which buzzed round my legs for like, one song?!?!?!? i was trying to swat it away but cou;dn't! wah lau eh......haha. but we had a great time man. and God really blessed us people and gave gifts to others. yeps. 2 peeple were given gifts from GOd during that time of worship and it was really good. God is good all the time. and all the time, God is good. amen!

val and ida were attempting to play soccer. i refused to join coz i can't kick a ball. much less PLAY soccer. yeps.
went sprinting with val and ida after that. they bluff me and say that they cannot run. end up they won me both times....hmph. haha. then i taught ida how to "spin" and we did so till we went like....gong gong. talked to ida till we almost fell asleep when jeremy came and asked me to go for a worship meeting. ok. so worship meeting. and then, went to sleep IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CARPARK with ida and kathleen. haha. then val joined us. woke up about an hour later to find perry and someone else kicking a ball in the carpark. whoa. dangerous. so we went to sleep in the carpark. woke up freezing cold. did some QT in the hall then sleep backstage with val. so comfy! haha... joel choong got a shock when he came to get his guitar and then saw us there. ok. then worship. and sharing.

sharing was mostly about that we should keep that fire going and yep....like what rev james said....word.prayer.fasting.

yeps. lalala. i'm writing this in so much detail for the benefit of SOMEONE. yes. haha. it was really an amazing camp lah. and i hope that every worship we have will be like the one during the last night of camp. everyone just jumping and praising GOd. kneeling down and all that.


miracle maker. live changer. awesome. [whee]

ok. aniwae, i'm going away in 2 days as most of you know. london and nottingham to visit my sister. they have broadband there! haha....yay! that means i can actually come online quite often and maybe i'll see some of you online? yeps. whee. got lots to pack and some stuff to buy for ee before i leave. i'm gonna miss you people!


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