knock knock

open the door

"we wish you a merry christmas!"

rowdy kids. haha.

yea. kids go around and sing like crazy...out of tune kind sometimes. then you give them chocolate...sweet..whatever. my sis and her housemates just..oblige. one asked to use the loo. my sis said no. haha. they're making noise outside now. ah. they even dared to ask for money...and one was smoking at the back. in-te-res-ting kinda of carollers huh?

and they seem to be wrecking the handle.
oh man

you know, in this house, a bit insecure coz it has only one lock. only the door lock. then the's like, low. like, really low. i think i can jump over it..that kinda thing.

ah. sister is going to dump me at her cell grp leaders place...she has a 15 yr old daughter so i'm going talk..make friend..that kinda thing. ah. shy me....haha. but the girl is friendly lah.

ok. i'm off to "designing" some stuff. haha. and wrapping my sisters book..since i'm so free now. nothing to do. haha.


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