walked with ee to the university of nottingham today coz she had to borrow/return a book. then walked to beeston town to get a tripod. then walked back home. then someone called and i walked back to beeston town again. rushed. reached there in 5 mins instead of the usual 10.

went to meet liz there. she's ee's cell grp leader's daughter. 15. friendly. lunched at macs and walked ard town to buy some stuff before heading to her house. fireplace! but no fire lah. haha...tim[ee's other housemate] saw me on the way and when he found out that i was going to someone's house, he called my sis straightaway to confirm that she knew where i was going. haha. coz isn't so safe. and i found out from liz...quite some pple do drugs and all. so sometimes the police bring those sniffer dogs to school and they make everyone sit in the hall. you got drugs...too bad....yea. exciting...tmr. WALES! whee~
it's gonna be really cold coz it's by the sea but it's gonna be really cool too!
and we'll have proper christmas dinner for once...turkey that kinda thing. cool huh? haha
chris from church will be there too. don't know him. as in, i know who he is but i don't know him. yeps. vanessa too. chinee's ex-sunday sch kid. yeps.

joel if you read this....i can't find bubble gum! haha...i'll keep looking tho. night quite warm coz the heater on for quite some can like, sleep in tank top. but in the morning...the heater turns off automatically i when you wake up, it's quite cold...and when you go downstairs into the kitchen......that's like...brrrrr...

hey twinval...i'll most prob come online on sunday ok? coz in wales...don't have internet connection there in the cottages i guess. haha. well, ignore them and don't listen to talk! think positive! think about happy things :)

"keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow." - helen keller. (",)

and again, a merry christmas to all =)


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