quarter inch is what you plug into your instruments.
the xlr is the cable that you plug into the mikes. it's the round one with 3 spikes [male end] or 3 holes [female end].

the quarter inch is plugged into the dibox. male end to the di, female end to the mixer box.

the thick black cable connected from the mixer box to the sound desk is the snake cable.

i'm at nottingham now...and tho i'm in the house, i'm feeling cold.haha. hands freezing a bit. so i'm not typing very fast....not that i type fast anyway.
well, thank God that i had a good, safe flight. from singapore to bankok i sat beside this chinese speaking guy. he asked about the video cam i was holding and i let him listen and watch one of the ym worship sessions. he listened for about one song...i will magnify you. i think.
then waited at bankok airport. sat there eating cuttlefish for like half an hour. maybe got pple think i siao. but aniwae. then read a bit of 'the return of the king'.
then on the next plane : bankok to london...sat beside this ang moh couple. apparently, i slept so soundly that i missed a meal without knowing it. heh. they told me. i offered them a sweet [ricola] then we started talking. they're nice. they're christians so i told them about camp :)

i didn't go to the loo throughout the flight. not bad huh? my bladder...is strong. whahaha.

walked quite a long way out of the airport. found my luggage bag. it took me extra effort to pull it off. why? i found out after i pulled the bag off that....thing. one zip was stuck in between the i-dunno-what. so my brother is going to kill me because now, his bag has a missing zip. his first and only luggage bag. oh-oh. ohwells, at least it's not the zip from the main compartment so it's not too bad.

met ee[as in, chinee, my sister] at the airport. took the tube to chalk farm to put our stuff at her friends place. my sister was playing with the baby. she's like...cooing and all that. definitely not me at all. haha.

walked round oxford street. that's the equivalent of orchard road. bought a jacket. fleece. coz it's super cold. and coz my brother didn't want to lend me his nice new black jacket coz he says he wants to bring it to church and all that when it gets cold. [oh c'mon. how cold can it get in s'pore? besides, i told him he'd look quite er.... coz it's so thick.] [and, i could have gotten the jacket if i wanted to. i'd just have to tell me mom. haha. but i decided to be nice. and i resisted the temptation of well....telling my mom. if i did, he'd get scolded for being er. selfish. so yea. nice me.] so i brought his old jacket which was too tight at the wrists so it wasn't confortable and i kept tugging coz it's like....underneath still got so many layers what.

actually i'm not wearing a lot of layers. i tell you what i wear. i wear a tank top. then a shirt. then my jacket. sometimes, i wear a sweater inside. then i have a hat. ee says it's called a beanie. and i have my jeans. and my shoes...which are now a bit black. [btw, wei, tell pa my shoes are actually half the price of what he thought i was....he'll be happy...happier. er. whatever.] and gloves. it's realy cold.....brrrrrrrrr...thank God for heaters.

i got a bit jet lag lah. it's 8h slower here. so i wake up at around 7 then go back to sleep after half an hour for another hour. then i give my first yawn at er....5? [tt'll be 1am] then i'll get really tired at around 10. so not too bad. good.

watched 'mamma mia' the musical. it's really good. it's full of songs from 'abba'. we were half an hour late thanks to my sis who forgot the tickets but nvm. we had to run home and...we lost our way coz there were lotsa roads. then she could not unlock the door. haha. had to call her friend. then we ran back. whoa......temperature most probably 10 degrees and i was perspiring. interesting huh? haha.
this bunch of women in front of us....during the encore while a few more songs were performed...then stood up and started dancing. ohman. i mean it's ok if you wave your arms, sing, clap [the group behind were clapping and singing. my sis said they were having a karaoke] but they stood up and danced?!?! what i mostly could see were their butts?! er...not very nice lah.

[oooh. yum yum. giotto chocolate. smtg like ferrerrrrrrrochea.aiyah. dunno how to spell. btw, i'm not the kind to crave chocs]

ok. went to museums and walked the thames as well basically.

oh yes. loretta and her husband drove us up to cantebury. a small town. quite nice. we had a pub lunch. nice food. just that i couldn't finish coz the portions were too big. bad thing was the smoke. here ah, can smoke almost everywhere. pftt. i hate smoke. and i seem have the ability to smell even the ittiest bittiest amount of it.
then walk walk.
then dinner at whitstable. super windy coz it was by the sea. brrrrrr...ate seafood. stupid thing is that i don't like seafood. but in london, they barely eat seafood. so going to this place was like...a treat lah. so i ordered stingray. it's biiiiiiiiiig ok i tell you. soooo big. haha. ate 3/4 and died. like, got sick of eating. so my sis helped....after she ate a huge crab. she got sick of eating too. bwahaha. [we got sick of eating a lot]

next...met ee's law friends. went to this malay place to eat. i also don't eat malay food. but aniwae. they recommended chicken rice and yay! it was DELICIOUS! haha. tasted good. but again, i couldn't finish it.

today is monday...tuesday there in singapore. went to the british museum and saw some...stuff. and the egyptian stuff. there were some students there sketching the statues and all. managed to have a glimpse of 2. really nice...as in, their drawing. haha. yea.

met elaine. lunched. took the train down from london to here - nottingham. got these not-very-friendly girls who were sitting with me but nvm.

other than that, the pple in london are generally friendly. and nice.

i actually ate macs here. haha. the nuggets here are soggy. but the rest ok. my sis' friend says not to eat kfc coz the chicken is soggy. haha...bought a burger from burger king to eat along the way....went to the counter and my sis was ordering. she asked for a mushroom swiss[coz i wanted one] and the lady was like....huh? turned out that in london, they don't sell mushroom swiss. haha.

and once, this lady who was closing her shop asked my sis and i "do you have the time?" and we were like," to do what?" and she repeated...and a friend said "it's four to six.". whahahha. eh. yeps

i'm eating lotsa rubbish here. snacks. chocolates. sweets. ee says i'm more hungry coz it's cold here.

i bought a platypus. for what? i don't know.

stuff here really expensive. the burger cost 2.59 pounds...that's like...$6 thereabouts?! can buy a meal in s'pore. haha.

went to st.paul's church for a carol service too. fell asleep. hehe. JET LAG lah. it was at night...

and chinee was invited to a bdae party[night] but she didn't want to go so she USED ME as a convenient excuse. she said i jet lag. hah.

ok. what else...hmmm...

my watch no battery! so i get to use ee's baby-g. ehehe. it's a bit big for me but nvm. it's a good watch.

how was service? the ym-led one? hope it was good :)


hmm. only 3 pple online now. i'll try to come online at...3 tmr. so that'll be about 11pm singapore time. i'll TRY to come online. see first. going to a christian bookshop.and a bookshop.

i tell you. i bought a book! haha. a thick book. by hans christian andersen. a lot of his short stories...fairy tales...whatever...inside! ha ha ha. good man. last time when i was young ee bought me one [thinner] but when i moved house, my mom gave away almost all our books. i was so sad ok?! all my enid blyton [i still remember. the three brownies. mr meddle. the famous five.haha] and the comics. and that fairy tale book! and i read it like, only a few times [not enough!] coz the words were very small...so young....don't really want to read when the words are so small...you know. yah! then i so sad man.....

nvm. got new book now. haha. if i see summore cheap enough books, i will buy i think. lalala...i need a good book man. anyone want to recommend one?

oh yah. met up with adrian and jonathan chuah. both my ex-angels[you know the angel and mortal game? just that jonathan was my mortal too] and we had duck at four seasons! yum yum... jonathat's hair is like...funny. as usual.
before that, we went to harrods. ee asked them to bring their passport/credit card whatever. coz if you're a citizen of some countries or...some conditions lah. you sign up to be a harrods member, you get a free harrods bear! haha. yea. so ee and i got a harrods bear each! cool huh? they sign up, we get the bear. hehe. i'm not a soft toy fan but the nice thing about this bear is the material...whee. nice to touch. like the dolphin from litz and larissa. :)

ok. i shall stop here. i've typed in A LOT already. cya in...about 20 days time!

ohyah! i'm going to wales! stay in a cottage by the sea [will be super cold. SEA. so got SEA 'BREEZE']with ma's friend's family. which is also soh khim's family. soh khim is my sis' housemate here. so we get to go too. haha....goot.

ok. s.t.o.p.


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