went to birmingham today.
woke up at er...7 i think. took a train down to birmingham.
then walked a bit to the next train station where my sis didn't check the train properly. haha. we were on the wrong train. i was like..."er. are we on the right train?" and she was like..."er...i think so." then we asked a lady who wasn't sure. then we wanted to get off the train but it had already started moving. haha. so we went to warwick. then changed train to go to stratford.

stratford is shakespeare's birthplace and whatever. quite a nice place. went to this park...then the river there so many FAT ducks. coz pple feed them. these pple nearby started feeding the ducks in the river so those on land started coming. then 2 were coming towards me...maybe coz i was holding this biiig cookie [which i was trying to hide]. i was quite scared coz they came close and it's like....you don't want to get pecked by a duck right? heh....
quite cool. i should go learn some good quotes from shakespeare's plays. like,

"Let every man be master of his time." -macbeth

"Let's kill all the lawyers." - ? [for pple like carol and adriel?]

aiyah...can't remember now....er...

"but men may construe things/ clean from the purpose of the things themselves" -julius caesar

"you have some sick offence within your mind" -julius caesar [said by portia]

haha. ok.

then took a train down to birmingham to meet ee's friend, clement. shopped a bit but didn't get anything.
then train back to notts.

it's getting colder now...brrrr....

going to hyporama tmr. this house needs stocking up...on food :)

my family is being filmed for some mediacorp thingie about a big happy family or smtg...not sure. haha. quite funny. i'm supposed to do some filming here on the video cam with chinee before i go back to s'pore. hmm. interesting huh?
the bad thing : it's in chinese
oh great. i can't talk in chinese. hello. i'm gonna embarass myself. haha. and it's so weird you know...filming...eh. filming us doing things around the house or smtg i guess. chinsiew said they filmed my dad fetching my mom to work and then my sis taking the car to go to work. ?!?!? hmm. haha...
i'm gonna die. chinese

shucks. i regret not learning my chinese better.

shucks lah!

not because of this...coz like...i dunno. if you think about it, chinese is actually a really meaningful kind of language.

i got a letter for my bardee and larissa.
bardee, to combine ushering and hospitality...i'm not so sure about it. know why? i was thinking about it...most of my ushers now are not very committed. standard of ushering can go higher. it's like, if i make my ushers do hospitality as well...will they be willing to do it[the hospitality stuff]? i was thinking if want to combine both, it's possible. but not now. maybe like, 2005? tell me what you think. then i'll think about it again. then pray about it. see how lah. talk to you about it when i get back? and talk to dickson or whatever.

the books i've read so far in england so far :
1. LOTR ROTK [2nd time]
2. captain corelli's mandolin [quite a good book. it's in BBC's top 21 books]
3. the tulip girl [not a great book but interesting enough]
4. the fisher jass [same author as the above. this one is lousy tho.]
5. the lovely bones [2nd time]
6. lovesong [reading 1/3 way. planning to finish it within the new 2 days before i leave for london]
7. nineteen eighty-four [read er....i think about 5 pages of it. will read the rest on the plane back]

i think that's it. the previous owner's of this place left some books so i took 3 of them. hehehe... got 2 more books but i don't think my luggage bag has anymore space. phooey~
but if i can find some space maybe i'll try cram the books in. haha...
and i'm going to thailand for a few days before going back to s'pore. and since it's thailand...i'll be buying stuff. what stuff? i don't know.
but since i'm buying stuff, SIEW! MAKE SURE YOUR BAG HAS MORE SPACE! FOR MY THINGS! haha...yeps.

want to hear a nice song?
"Get it in a box" which is actually "air in G string" as the melody mixed with some really cool sounds...yeps. go listen to it. really cool. reeeaaaally cool..how they made the song sound like, retro-ish? but yet, still classical. whee~
classical music is actually quite nice you know? maybe not allll. but generally, it's nice.

ok. i shall stop here. in case i don't blog again, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

new year, new start. ('',)


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