went to meet mags and zhou to do filing for church camp. went late. like, really late. haha. by the time i got there they finished half the stuff and were eating in macs. so i started doing the stuff by myself and hah! by the time they came back, they were impressed with how efficient i was! haha. i'm exaggerating. ok. maybe i'm not. they did say i was efficient. haha. i have "super fingers"
[eee. that sounds weird. sounds...?]

met jeanette at borders. i finished reading another book today! haha. then we went to bk then to my mom's shop where she highlighted her hair. i left....my mom was playing with her hair...trying to see how she could tie jeanette's hair nicely for cambridge dinner. :)

then watched le papilion with siew. free tickets! haha. coz mei's boyfriend sent in both their names for some i-dunno-what and both won so whee! haha.

i heard that ushering is going to be combined with worship coz well...i heard that it's coz ushering standards need to go up.
but honestly man, how's combining going to help?

i asked caroline today and what she said was....
9.30 ushering is pretty ok [yay!]
but 11.30 a bit ..... ?

sunday i was a bit like, 'eh?haha'....when i was at the back of the hall for 11.30 service and when this boy came in, the usher at the door gave him a bulletin, then he was like, pointing all over the place, like trying to tell the guy where there's a seat. i was like, er. why don't you just BRING him there. they'd feel so much ...better. haha. but they do quite ok lah.

and a suggestion made on how to make the pple feel welcome is to shake their hands and say "welcome to ym!" with a bright smile when they come in...like in p&p hall. because i feel that ushering isn't just about making sure pple get their bulletins, have a seat...taking the offering bags and such. i guess you have to make the pple feel welcome so that they'll want to come back and all that. you know...

our ushers need training man. haha

ah. i'm playing the guitar for cambrigde dinner [tt's my sec4 dinner btw] and i think it'll be like, waaaay too soft lah. so i think i need to borrow an amp if the hotel doesn't have it. borrow from church or smtg....if they'll let me. haha. ohwells. we'll see about that tmr. got meeting tmr.

sigh. i seem to be even busier now. tralala.
well, mark was saying yesterday that going to notts would be good for me kinda thing [even tho i'll be missing out on lots ym stuff] coz it's good to take a break. yeps. tt's true.

think jeremy might want to send me for some training on sound with abigail. it's like a night class thing. whoa. ok.
i think it's good. and if i do go, i hope i can remember everything coz er well, i don't have a very good head for such things. haha.


What smilie are you? Take the test!


Jesus you are my best friend. you will always be. nothing will ever change that.

must remember this song. can't let jeremy trick me again, thinking about it. haha. He got me the last time. shucks. nvm.
it's time to sleep man. sch tmr. ahhhh!


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