worship practice was supposed to start at 7 but due to our......undiscplined-ness, it started at 9. haha...interesting huh? patty and i were having fun drawing on the powerpoint :) heehee....

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. i'm leaving tmr....so bye bye everybody for a month. i'll be seeing you people in about a month's time when i come back in jan....5/6 jan.

prayer requests from other people :

Hi mel,
this is yasmine here. i hope im not too late... i have a simple prayer request. Please pray for my family's salvation(which includes mom dad n bro). Thanks! Will be joining u all in prayer in my own home at 1030! I;m fasting for YM tdy too!



hey, this is han sheng from YM as well. i received the email from another friend from YM and will be praying tonight. i feel strongly that we should pray that the whole of YM especially those who attended the camp and felt God speaking would continue to live each day for Him.that we would maintain spiritual discipline and build up our spiritual walls through the 3 points which pastor james singh brought up, prayer, reading the word and fasting, in the process controlling what we hear, think, do and say. that we would constantly seek Gods face even after this spiritual high seems to go and we face problems in life. may we always put Him number 1 not only when he seems very real but all the time. that we will not run out of steam after a couple of months but pray that our hearts will remain sincere in seeking Him and He will constantly revive us, search us and make us into a new creation.
God bless u.


Dear friends,

I'd just like to share that it is by no accident that YM worship team is
asked to lead in this weekend's P&P service. Sometime back when we were
approached to take a session this season, we were in fact quite
reluctant - we were afraid that we might stretch our resources too thin
and burn ourselves out. He therefore declined that weekend's slot and
replaced it with this weekend's.

Let's continue to lift up the worship team in prayer. I sensed that God
is going to use them to minister to the adults. Pray for humble hearts,
that the adults will be willing to let God touch them through these
young people who're generations younger than them.



Praise God ! Alleluia ! I was not at the camp ... but heard about the special
visitation of the Lord from a church friend yesterday ...

Glad for the follow-up prayer initiatives ... this is crucial ... you can count
on it that the evil one will be working overtime and doubly hard after this ...
but the gates of hell shall not previal ... on our knees ... we shall make a
stand ! Amen !

Few years back ... at a Sentosa camp ... there was a visitation from the Lord
too ... recall immediately after that there were a lot relationship problems
between youths and between youths and the church leadership ... there were a lot
of hurts and disillusionment... in retrospect ... I would interprete what
happened to the evil one working hard ... so ! please be on guard and pray ! ...
I shall be praying with you as well ...

With God's Richest Blessings !

Steven Tan
Friend of YM
**side note: I am just forwarding this although I do not agree that the devil will work doubly hard after this. the more we pray the more he stays away. no matter what it is, do not fear, for the Lord is near! =D


Hey, I know I already told you what to pray for, but the more I think about it the more I really need you guys to help me out so I figured I'll just type this out to make it easier on your memory..if there are people who need prayer more than what I have listed do go ahead and pray for them instead..this is just...something I thought I'd like help with, that's all. By the way, please thank God for what He has done so far before you start praying for the needs that we have because I feel He has done so many magnificent things that we should like spend at least 20 minutes in prayer to just thank him..God bless you all!


1. Pray for wisdom and sustenance for me and Melissa Yeo
2. Pray that people will remember to pray for us, because this is one ministry that people think is only in charge of food and that we don't need prayer
3. pray that even though it is a small ministry that God will constantly remind us that it is not insignificant because many a times even I forget there is no such thing as having a ministry that is any less important than others.
4. Pray for people who are willing to sign-up and join hospitality. That these people realise it is not just about the food we give out every saturday service, but more than that we are the ones that can make this church become one that is filled with love, where there will no longer be cliques and stuff.
5. please pray for a renewal of passion for me in this ministry, I think we need a focus and we need to see where we are headed and this is where God has to come in and show us something and pave a way for us.
1. I don't know but at camp as you all were there worshipping and all..even though God showed me things, and He made me see so many things He has planned for you, it felt as though I was really dry spiritually and I still feel that I am. Two-three months ago, I was really really really enthusiastic and like on fire and all, but now it's different, I feel that the fire is fading and I don't want it to.
2. Pray for my studies. I'm not the world's most disciplined person in the world and the devil really REALLY has a stronghold on me in this aspect. I need to get things right, I need to make sure I understand my schoolwork. Especially my maths because if I don't get it right, I can't make it for my O's next year.
3. I can get agitated when things aren't done properly at times and I really need God's power and his patience and tolerance so that I can be a better person. I need humility, sometimes I have to remember even though I am serving God and put in charge of certain things that I need to know that I am doing things not by my strength but by His and His alone.
4. 2004 is going to be a really trying year for me. It's going to be very hard and it's probably going to throw lots of obstacles in my way, but at no point do I want to stumble and let the devil have a stronghold on my life. I need to show people around me especially those in school that God has impacted my life and that they can experience true joy and peace and exhilaration through knowing God.
1. Please pray for the YSGLs and the various YSGs. Each has their own needs.
2. Please pray that this fire will not stop burning. Yes, feelings may fade but pray for the discipline of the Lord to be in each of our hearts so we will never forget the tasks at hand and that we are made for a purpose and that is to honour and serve Him and be a beacon of light to the world that shines for Him.
3. In 2004, there will be people who come and leave YM. Pray that other than reasons like going overseas etc. we will not lose any youths, that we can be able to minister to them. Pray that these youths will see God in 2004. Pray that more will come, and we will be able to touch hearts, lives and souls.
4. Pray for renewal. A lot of us, especially those who are currently serving in the comm are very, very tired. Some of us have lost that vision we had a year ago when we were sitting in YMCA discussing about YM. Some of us are so lost, all we see is a future that is so bleak ahead of us. Pray that we will remember that God is with us, He is our source of strength and the place we find solace in.
5. Sometimes some of us run so far away from the Lord, if only we would realise the only safe place is in the arms of God. Pray that 2004 will be a time of refreshing, a time where the youths can gather and we can go back down to the basics and start building this ministry in STONES and not bricks.
6. Sustenance for each person. They will be burning all year round, everyday and every second of their lives will be dedicated to God.
Agape, Melissa Goh

Dear friends,


Do continue to pray for revival in the hearts of the youths in YM, especially for those who didn't attend the camp. I've a feeling God isn't going to limit His working to the people who attended the camp and rededicated their lives to Him


Also continue to pray that God will instil in all of us an insatiable hunger for more of His word.
Pray that we won't be content with staying in our comfort zones, but we'll yearn to see more of His glory in our lives.

Worship Team

Pray for the worship team as we prepare our hearts and hands to lead worship this weekend.
I haven't fully regained my voice, and Jeremy is coming down with a cough. Pray that God will keep us and protect us from any attacks.

Pray that God will grant the worship team a double portion of His spirit. Pray also that the band will also be able to worship Him with our whole being throughout this week as we prep ourselves.

Again, I ask that you pray for us that we too might yearn to walk closer with Him.

13th December 2003 Saturday Service

Pray for the event on the 13th. Pray that He will be pleased with our offering and that he will bless that time of worship. Also pray for God to move even stronger than he did in camp. Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the church, upon His people, His children.

I'm convinced that God has something amazing in store for YM. It's coming fast, and it's coming soon. I don't want to pre-empt anything, but I won't hide the fact that I have high hopes for this Saturday's event. Godwilling, He will use this Saturday's event in a powerful way. Pray for hearts to be broken anew and lives to be changed. On our part the worship team will continue to seek God's will as we prepare for this Saturday.

Relationship with Parents

Pray for the youths in YM, that they may be shining lights even in their own homes. Pray that they will remember the 5th commandment and show love to their parents. Pray also that He will cause their parents to not provoke the youths to anger. For those youths with pre-Christian parents, pray that their parents will see God's light reflected in their children, and they'll marvel at that.

Keep on PUSHing. All glory be to Him.
Joel Koh


Hey, please pray for Eve's spiritual walk with the Lord, that it will continue to grow and that she will not stumble in her faith and that the devil will have no stronghold over her and that the Lord will raise her up to be a woman for God and that He will show her and reveal to her His plans so that she can serve with passion in a specific ministry. Please pray for her school's newly set up Christian Fellowship. personally, she is from XinMin secondary and it is not a mission school so it is really amazing that a christian fellowship sort of thing is allowed in her school so just thank God for that and pray for it because there has been not much prayer or meeting up..please pray that there will be more in time to come. Thanks!

Hi Joshua and Melissa,

It is wonderful to witness the work that the Holy Spirit is doing in His
ministry. The Lord has been speaking to me through 2 Chron 30 on the revival of
the nation of Judah under King Hezekiah. Please prayer for a spirit of
repentence among both the leaders and the youths in YM. There is need to repent
of our selfishness, our pride, our cliques and judging of others, our sexual
immorality and idolatry. God is calling His people to return to purity and to
Him. Satan must not be given a foothold in our lives because of our sin.

God bless,



Prayer requests from Eddie for YM:-

Some prayer request for the youths:

1) More YSGLs and AYSGLs for next year.
2) Logistical issues (building, rooms, space etc.)
3) Leadership renewal and development in YM.
4) Unity in every aspect of YM.


hiz...in my case...i tink u muz have heard by now that i am retaining...and my prayer request shall run along that line...thanx and god bless...

**Just a note from me (Melissa Goh): It's a very hard thing cause I nearly retained too, so I think you guys really need to pray for her that the Lord will take away ALL bondages and strongholds the devil has on her, the laziness or whatever and that she will be obedient to the Lord so that He can fulfill His plan in her life. Thanks.


>From: "Joel Choong"
>To: butterflystings_@hotmail.com
>Subject: prayer request.
>Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2003 23:58:35 +0800
>hey. um. i'll be playing for a christmas evangelistic concert on the
>20th. im playing lead and i dont really have an inspiration for a
>solo yet. so. can u guys pray for that? and also pray that i dont
>slack off my bible study and prayer. i really need God to discipline
>me in that. most of all. i want to put in a request that all of us
>have enough of "giving out" and as much "receiving" in the spirit. u
>guys get what i mean right? yah. esp. for the com and all. take care
>all of u. good night. and thanks mel and joshua for doing this.
>thanks really.


She’s bringing her friend to church on Saturday, so pray that her friend will be receptive to Christ.

ok? pray people. prayer works man.

ok. and me?

safe trip. :) that i won't get lost or whatever...since it's my first time taking a plane. haha....
and that i'll keep the faith and lift and give my all to God.

and revival. and that all this enthusiasm for God will go on for everyone! yay!


God is great. and His praise. fills the earth.fills the heavens.

oh yah. they were talking about changing the ym logo to something more meaningful.maybe change the name too eh? smtg like....history makers or smtg....? anybody can design....pass your suggestion to joshua or smtg? i dunno...litzee?

i got another christmas prezzie today! haha. cd. and "my utmost for his highest". ah. that'll be useful. i'm bringing it over.

gotta go out buy summore stuff for ee tmr. hope i on't get scolded for ..."last minute again ah! cannot last minute one....." all that....haha.....

sorry la. that you came all the way to orchard. and then you just walk here and there with me and sit in the shop and see my hair getting cut. next time we go out properly ok? when i come back.

yah. my ma cut my hair shorter...so can't tie now. but nvm coz when i go there...will be cold....yah. then she highlighted it a bit more. not very obvious tho.

i ate a sundae today. macs. fudge. so long never eat already. haha.

i should stop listening to the cd now. the tv is going on behind and i can't hear a thing. so stupid. haha. as in, me stupid. haha

you know i go away for this one month holiday i feel like i'm going away forever. haha. lalala.....

lift up your eyes all of heaven's in worship.angels' rejoice and the clouds will be filled. with the wonder of your name.

i tell you man. JEsus is just sooooooo good.

keep on praying people!


spanish time :
gracias means thanks
ade means holy


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