
school starts tomorrow for you pple.
i hear a lot of pple saying that they have unfinished hw.
haha. just like me.
just that i don't have to worry about that now.
maybe just this year. but aniwae.

chinmei bought me a pair of earrings from claire's in canada. it's a bit like the one i used to wear...flower shaped. it's for sensitive ears too i think. which is good coz i have sensitive ears. i think. haha. oh yea! and i got magnetic earrings from claire's too! waste money? haha. it's a kiddy kinda pattern. blue circle with a yellow star in the middle. smtg like that. but i don't really want to wear it much coz it's like, easy to get lost. you just brush your ear and oops! now where has that earring gone?

watched cold mountain with ee just now. quite a slow movie but good. she cried the whole way [acc to her] and hours later, she says her eyes are still not feeling very well from the crying. heh.

ah. this is my last night here. so fast.

was strumming on the guitar last night and singing. took bits out of the psalms and sang it with the chords i played. felt good. the psalm i liked most was psalm 138:8 "the Lord will accomplish what concerns me; your lovingkindness O Lord, is everylasting; do not forsake the workd of your hands." it was good to sing. it is good to give thanks, and praise the Lord.


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