hello everybody! i'm back! and it's good to be back.
i can't wait for sunday...church. worship. ahh. worship.

helped out at my mom's shop today doing some accounts stuff. pressing the buttons on the calculator. finished reading "five people you see in heaven" by mitch albom.
finished "an equal music" by vikram seth yesterday.
i should stop reading so much before my eyes get a bit spoilt again[not that they already aren't].

i think hans christian andersen a bit sadistic. heh. i got the book with the 168 stories he wrote. there's stuff in it like...er...she was in his way so he chopped her head off. yea. er.

thinking of giving tuition to lower primary kids. thought it may be difficult at first coz things like english...i don't know whatever singular, plural, past tense whatever. i go by..what i think sounds right. heh. but sarah says it's really easy coz for lower primary, all you have to do is teach them to pronounce the words and for maths, it's all just plus and minus so i shall go try it out. the first thing to do tho, is to try and look for kids to tuition! can either go to an agency, or get kids thru my mom's friends or smtg.

so, anybody knows a lower primary kid who needs tuition for maths/english and doesn't stay too far from me? haha. i stay at yishun btw. and i guess that's quite far from everywhere. ohwells.

band agape 2004 : ida,eugene,chinhui,melissagoh,amandayun,larissalin [yay larissa! we're w jean wee but that's ok lah huh.haha],clairesee,audreywee, jeremylee, denise, .

and whoohoo! i think i heard that kathleen is doing sound course with me! yay! lalala. i am a happy kid. whee! heh.

my brother is in china for a sch trip. ahhh! forgot to ask him to get ear plugs.ok...hey EVERYBODY! if you ever go on a plane or whatever, ask for the earplugs coz they're free! then pass them to me. as the music coord, i need to look after the welfare of my musicians. [ha.ha] and that includes making sure that they do not go deaf when the drummers bang...especially drummers like jerrold and mark. heh.
thai airways gives yellow earplugs.

have to make do with a laptop at home because mei has moved to the hostel and needs the comp coz the comp can store more stuff than her laptop. smtg like that. whee. ohwells. heeey. i'm gonna stay with her one day at the hostel. honestly, do what, i don't really know. haha. the last time i stayed with siew it was before my o's so i went there to study. then we ate maggi mee at nite. stayed with chinee years back too. fuuuuun. i love having soo many siblings. lalala.

and heng man.

i get to use mei's phone now coz she's using someone elses' phone coz that someone else has a new phone so yay! i am safe! bellygoot

heh. bellygoot...

oh haha. i am so funny.

thailand. first day nut's family drove us to see flowers and mountains and horses and cows [who's dung wasnt's as magnificent as that of those in wales. they shit about like...1/3 of what the cows in england shit out] then dinner the mom kept loading prawns on my plate tho i kept telling her "i cannot eat prawn. i cannot eat prawnicannoteatprawnicannoteatprawn" coz i'm allergic to them. maybe she didn't understand coz her english not good. she also happened to not notice that every prawn she put on my plate was in turn put on chinsiew's plate and chinsiew's plate was full of shells while mine was completely spotless. ohwells.

shopped. chin siew loves to shop. so shop. shop. shop.
met relatives.dinner.
next morn the mom and daughter[who knows english] brought us to chinatown. the whole half an hour drive there, she was holding my hand man.MAAAAAN. my arms were crossed and she tugged my arm away and kept patting it, "smoothing" it, played with it like it was a toy to amuse her with...like, touch touch touch one finger. then move on to touchtouchtouch the next finger. then move on to touchtouchtouch the next. and so on. MAAAAAN. then she hugged my hand to her chest. wah lau eh. WHAT IS THIS?!?!?!! half an hour ok...i died. i mean, if it's just like, 1 minute like my aunt in s'pore who'll just like take your hand and pat it a few times then let go, it's ok. but THIS? geez. but i was a nice girl and let her er. play with my hand while i looked out of the window in the other direction. then on the way back, she kept looking at me. then i/ll look the other way. then she'll say smtg. then the daughter transalated :
"she love you"
[ i ] smile
"she say you and siewsiew very lovely"
"thank you" smile
"she love you"


and soooommmeone kept asking me about it. like she was er...i assumed, jealous. kept asking what they said and keep saying that they love me so much.[but i think it's nothing to be jealous about. someone playing with your hand.]but aniwae i said that i'm the youngest that's why like that. and that's like, most prob true. coz the last time they saw me i was this puny kid [i think] and now grow until so big [not that i'm that big. but when compared to the past when i was a toddler, yes, i am bigger]she reads this so i can't say.. whahahahahha. baad.

band agape is playing on feb1st. whoa. ah. time to test my band leadership skills. not that i have any. so whatever.but i shall try! yes! and i will succeed! [siao]

well well, i can't wait to get back to church to get supercharged!
ushers, we now have forms! but i haven't gotten down to printing them yet...lalala.aniwae, it's not like their urgent coz the whaddayacallthat? er...where they're gonna "promote" the ministries is 2nd week of feb so that's about 2,3 weeks away. i'll get it done asap tho. not doing it now coz it's a labtop and bahbahbah.

ok. stop here. cya peeps! lalala



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