hey meimei. i am a nice mei4mei4. so i will blog. haha.


went to ma's shop[as usual] early in the morning at about...7am. today was good. customers came continuously, one at a time, instead of all whosh!all come at one go and we hurry all around.

ok. so there's this dummy head in the room in my mom's shop. it has long hair. and my mom made me practice. i sort of dyed "her" hair. i think it's the funnest thing. but my mom won't let me do it for her customers so rather boring. haha

then kat showed me how to wash hair. and i washed my mom's hair a bit. then kat washed it properly. then i had to learn how to blow dry my mom's hair. the kind where after you blow it dry then must use comb and like, make it er...look nicer. so uncle vincent[the other hairstylist] showed me how to do it. and hey...it's not as easy as it looks man...haha. then he say i got talent. seen from the way i held the comb. haha. then suddenly this guy from dunno where came and asked me to let him show me how to do it. turned out he was my mom's trainer from goldwell last time. then he say i got style. coz he thought i was a hairstylist and not a beeginner at first. haha
actually, i blowed my mother's hair quite horribly. but nvm.

then that guy asked my mom if she believed that he could teach me how to cut hair in 2 days. haha.

ok. then what ah?
oh yah.
i had to perm hair on the dummy's head. looks easy. but do not easy. i just did half the head then got a bit er. sick of it.
then dried aunty josephine's hair. and she said i was good.
hahaha. so many compliments today.

ok. so it was a good day even though i was so quiet and all coz at least i got to do SMTG after 2 weeks so i wasn't bored.

hey bardee, yea i think i can go out with you that day. town area tho. you call my phone or my mom's shop number. that is, if you have it.

oh yah. my mom said she'd teach me to highlight. then i can ask my friends to come and i highlight their hair for them and charge super cheap...like, 10 bucks.haha

saturday service. i didn't pay attention to the speaker. haha. oops.
then had some worship at the end. when they sang jesus lover of my soul, i was a bit like, getting ready to go down and help to play the keyboard coz i saw the keyboardist like, hesitating. but clarabelle went to te rescue! she's in that band aniwae. then zhou said smtg to joel. i thought he might have wanted to sing the "worship you my Lord until the very end" part. so i was looking at the guitarist...who was, i think, trying to figure out the chords. so i was a bit like, getting ready to go down in case. but didn't have to worry about that coz eugene was there aniwae. and they didn't sing it.
then macs! haha. had fun there. was "eccentric" as ben put it.


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