ok. i'm off to thailand in a few hours time for a week.everybody, watch tv. channel 8. 1st feb. 10.30pm if yohappy new yeu can. it's got my family featured. not sure if that's the right date tho. haha. whatever. watch ok?
it didn't feel weird to film and all. just do your own normal stuff and i didn't bother to dress up or even wear nicer at all. haha

haha. zhou just reminded me... "dory dory glory glory, HAPPY NEW YEAR"

aniwae bardee, don't blame me for not going out with you all that day. i had a worship meeting. we're gonna have a worship retreat! so all worship team members, please keep yourselves free for the first 4 days of the march hols ok? 3 or 4 days. not sure yet. you all want it to be a stayover? coz now, it's just a day thing. stayover would make it more expensive, and need lotsa...work.

my mom says my calling is to be a trainer.
a mentor.

bye! i'm missing 2 sundays. one band prac.
and ju, za, i hope i can make it for the EXCURSION [my word. everytime we went to heartland, we were on an excursion. remember? so exCIting].

your love is
so wonderful


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