ok. i'm doing this purpose driven life thing super slowly because one, i don't do it everyday. sometimes, i just read the bible and not do that book. and two, the lessons are getting longer...so i don't do the whole lesson in one day. i want to like....absorb what i'm reading and well, if i do just a page out of the 5 pages for that day, it's better that i absorb and learn smtg rather that like...do the whole thing but can't remember a single thing...yea. smtg like that la huh. haha. i think i'm at day 13 now. i uh. can't be bothered to like, type it out sometimes la.

ym comm meeting's pretty ok. it was just mainly the budget part that got like...a bit the boring.

i'm hungry. there's nothing to eat at home. i want to cook campbell's soup but no one will share it with me...not that there's a very many people at home now :( so i am just drinking milk. good for my bones. but i still want to eat....hmm...

the purpose driven life
day 10 (part 2)

"the best way to live:

- you were designed to worship God and if you fail to worship him, you will create other things to give your life to.
-you are free to choose what you surrender to, but you are not free from the consequences of that choice
- sometimes, it takes years, but eventually you discover that the freatest hindrance to God's blessing in your life is not others, it is yourself - your self-will, stubborn pride, personal ambition
- if God is going to do his deepest work in you, it will begin with this. so give it all to God : your past regrets, your present problems, future ambitions, fears, dreams, wealenesses, habits, hurts, hang-ups. put Jesus in the driver's seat, and take your hands off the steering wheel. don't be afraid; nothing under his control can ever be out of your control. (phil 4 :13)
- when you decide to live a totally surrendered life, that decision will be tested
- now is the time to surrender...to God's grace, love and wisdom

"what area of my life am i holding back from God?

"surrender your whole being to him to be used for righteous purposes. - romans 6:12b

"i am self sufficient in Christ's sufficiency!"

i should like to rise and go......

(don't you think that sounds so..ah. nice. like, dreamy......)


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