hello everybody. i'm quite ok with my results. not overjoyed but am satisfied and grateful because i improved quite some from my prelims. i guess most pple i know did ok. some pple did really well. glad for them :)
well, it's over now. i'm gonna be applying for poly courses. not gonna try jc...i barely made it anyway. haha.

so i gotta start choosing my courses and well, let's see where God wants me to go. and then, start finalising the worship retreat stuff and think about other stuff.

i won't be putting the purpose driven life thingie today. i didn't have time to read and i must read properly first right? yes, right.

band prac today. ok. i think i'm a lousy band leader. and i was like, frowning quite a bit. couldn't sing or smile. i dunno. and i didn't really know what i was playing. keyboard had a problem...the sound was like...sometimes off for dunno what reason. and...i just didn't feel very great. and on the way home i was thinking...i think i'd rather usher than play this sunday.
ok. this is not good.

not good. uh uh

i'm tired.


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