ok. hello everybody. i just came back from a sound course which i attended with kathleen. man. it was like, a lot of physics. so i was just so completely blurred coz i didn't take physics in sec3/4. and at the end when the instructor was talking about all the equiptment stuff, both of us were just...?!?!??!? but it was pretty ok. i think patty is gonna give me a bit of tuition on all that frequency stuff so i will be less blur and at least be able to understand the lesson better. there's even gonna be an exam! we'll be alone in a recording whatever room and we have to do dunno what. equalizer. adjust the frequency. blah blah. oh man. sob. whaha. madness.

our instructor is like. whoa. and he says his ears are trained such that he can hear like, how many hertz smtg is and whatever frequency whtever blah. oh man. and blah blah. i don't want to be like that coz...like he said, you won't enjoy music as much anymore coz you'll be like, criticising it and all that. i'm a bit like that sometimes. when i watch american idol, one note out of tune and i'll go "zao xia!!!" but i not so pro like him like that can hear until he even knows the freqquency.

i think i'm going mad so i better stop. byebye..

my God is so big. so strong and so mighty there's nothing my Lord cannot do for you! [just suddenly thought of this song that i used to sing when i was much smaller (",)]

"the purpose driven life"
day 2

"i am your creator. you were in my care even before you were born. [isaiah44:2a]

"God made you so that he could love you

"i am not an accident

"God uniquely created me and so, i must learn to accept all of myself."

questions i want to ask Joyce this sunday :

does God give us complete freedom of choice? kinda thing.... if yes, then how does his overall plan for the world work out when people don't listen/obey him?

How do i know if it is the Holy Spirit, ot my conscience or whatever, that is speaking to me? how to differentiate?

band agape is leading this sunday's worship.

i am hungry. how? nothing to eat at home....chinhui's stomick goes "growl". ooh.


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