"the purpose driven life"

day 3

"what drives some people's lives : guilt[allow past to control their future], resentment and anger [hold on to hurts which they never get over. don't forgive], fear [ they miss opportunities coz they are afriad to venture out], materialism [ their desire to aquire becomes their goals], need for approval [self-explanatory].

"one key failure is to try to please everybody. being controlled by the opinions of others is a garunteed way to miss God's purposes for your life.

"benefits of purpose-driven living : it gives meaning to you life, simplifies, focuses and motivates your life, and prepares you for eternity.

" one day you will stand before God, and he will do an audit of your life, a final exam [ sounds kinda scary to me to be honest. because i haven't been doing enough i guess. unworthy. bah], before you enter eternity.......two crucial questions :

"first, what did you do with my son, Jesus Christ? [determines where you spend eternity]....did you accept what Jesus did for you and did you lean to love and to trust him?.........

"second, what did you do with what i gave you? [determines what you do in eternity]what did you do with your life - all the gifts, ttalents, opportunities, energy, relationships, and resources God gave you? did you spend them on yourself, or did you use them for the purposes God made you for?

"what is the driving force of your life?

hey pok rik. yea i know. i will pray for him. (",)

"where there is love, there is life" - ghandi
[from qiang's msn nick]

sound course on thrus too so can't play for JOH anymore coz pracs are on thurs.

p&p worship in july..ym-led. hall is booked for : 24feb,2,16,30 march,15,22,29,13,27,20 april,6,25,11 may, 1,8,15,22,29 june, 1,15 july.

lala. wow. lala

sound course tmr. more physics. i think i better go read and try to understand my brother's physics textbook. as in, the stuff on sound. sob. haha. i'm really blessed to be able to attend this course you know? yeps

oh. my hair got dyed black today. the hilighted parts mainly. coz collecting results on friday and my super strict school...yea. well, it'll be dyed back again so whatever. it's quite convenient for me you know? haha.

i got to razor a model's head today. so fun to use! i just wanted to chop all the hair off coz so fuunn!!! just brush the razor from top to bottom. nothing else. and the hair falls. whahahha. the hair looks a bit er now. hehe.


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