"very red right?"

that was my hair.

my mom learned hairdressing 23 yrs ago. not 3 yrs.

i look horrible. whahaha. but it's ok. whatever.
dunno where to look when they interview us. the interview was muuuch longer. and felt weird coz like, my chinese sucks.
the stuff i said...i didn't know how to say anything else so i just said "hen hao wan"[very fun]and btw, that was WHEN I WAS YOUNGER. make jelly all that. then have to stand on the stoll coz too short. or help to ppound stuff....yea. but now, dunno. not so fun anymore. haha

yea. my bro got scolded for spending so much on fish stuff. then my dad went and helped him buy the stuff. we were like....huh.

my dad talk like he's teaching chinese like that man....haha. very funny. dunno why he talk like that. maybe he nervous to be on tv. hehehe.

see my dad teaching my bro chinese? HAHA> i used to have those lessons too. now i don't. whoohoo! yay! whee!

that's chin siew and i back from england/thailand. i was gonna wear berms but siew said to wear jeans coz look nicer.

oh look! chinee is on tv! in s'pore!haha..i filmed it when i was there. she got quite frustrated doing it coz well, her chinese like mine lah.

the thing on all my mom's meeting at her shop is a bit not the reall....!! haha. we've done it like, twice before i guess. once when the shop was being blessed and the second time was...filming. haha. hehehe....but yah lah...they do come to the shop to help sometimes and stuff.

when you go to the salon you can see the kids pics. out of 12, 4 got me. haha.

ok. the show's done. :)

the producer of the show is a nice christian girl. :)

ohyes. there is smtg to thank God for. and that is that zhou's voice was ok for worship today. even tho it go not-so-nice after that, at least it was ok during worship. :)

there are many things to thank God for you know? just look around. think abit. life is better when you know how to appreciate things coz you're see how blessed you are and all that so yea. :)

prayer requests? anyway, if you post comments in the commen box, please do so only in the comment box of my latest post because i don't check all the rest ok? yeps. thanks.

so again, any prayer requests? pple, believe in the power of prayer...be persistent in your prayers. God hears you you know? and he answers all your prayers...it's just how he chooses to answer them. when you don't get what you prayed for, it doesn't mean that God didn't hear you and isn't answering you. maybe he just has another plan for your life you know? yeps. so just trust God. put your life in His hands. he's the creator. he's so great, so awesome...c'mon man...nothing is impossible for Him...you can trust Him :) just believe.


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