after reading la's blog. i shall post this!haha

i ever thought of becoming an air stewardess. like, so fun! haha. just for like, 2 yrs kinda thing. haha. but not realistic la. as in, my mom doesn't approve. i told her, just for fun. and she was like...2 yrs is a looong time. you can do a lot in that amt of time. and tell my dad? haha. that's funny. that's really funny.

i will read my bible and pray
i will follow you all of my days ( i think it goes like that )
all day, all day, all day, ALL DAY

we're singing that this sunday. hahhahaa. yay! it's super funny. when patty and i first heard it we were like...staring at each other. haha. it's a cool song man. you hear the lyrics it sounds super funny la. just the 2 lines. i dunno. haha. but it's meaningful! very easy to understand! see. i will read my bible and pray. i will follow you all of my days. very easy to understand right? yes. very goot. i like to sing stuff that i understand. tho sometimes i "sing blindly". so nowadays, i don't really sing every single song. only those that i really understand and mean.

remember one of the purpose driven life lessons? or was it patsy whom i heard it from? ok. whatever. but anyway, if we don't mean what we sing, well, do you think it'll mean anything to God? i mean, what's the point of singing something that you don't even understand? (tune nice. heh) but well, yea. that's what i think :)

the purpose driven life
day 11
becoming best friends with God :) (Jesus you are my best friend. you will always be.)

"if anyone wants to boast, they should boast that they know and understand me..these are the things that pleases me"-jeremiah 9:24

1. become God's best friend through constand conversation
-share all your life experiences with him(me : even the littlest things. don't think that God is too big and busy to be concerned with small things)
- "pray without ceasing" - 1 thes 5:17
-today, we often feel that we must '"get away" from our daily routine in orfer to worship God but that is only because we haven't learnt to practice his presence all the time
- how to pray all the time? (galatians 5:15) use brief sentences...simple phrases (eg. i want to know you/or like, just a 2 sentence prayer for a friend)
- if you are seeking the experience of this presence through all this, you haave missed the point. we don't praise God to geel good, but to do good. your goal is not a feeling, but a continuous awareness of the realiry that God is always present. that is the ligestle of worship

2. become God's best frend through continual meditation
- meditation : thinking about the word throughout the day...focused thinking
- you can't love God unless you know him
-friends share secrest, and God will share his secrets with you if you develop the habit of thinking about his word
- psalm 25:14 "friendship with God is reserved for those who reverence him"

-prayer lets you speak to God. meditation lets God speak to you.

ok. my mass comm interview didn't go well. but it's ok. really. up till the interview, it seemed that getting into mass comm was so impt. but after the interview, haha. i don't really care whether i make it or not. for one, it'll be much easier to decide where to go : tourism and hospitality or design. ok. i need to go ask mark what else i'll be able to do (as in, work as) if i join design. then i can go try convince my dad or smtg. hehe.

i'm overwhelmed by your love

i'm overwhlemed by your touch

it's your love, that's lifted me

and forever i will sing


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