
this is a different kinda of "ahhh" now....

i'm grinning like mad now. maaaaan

"congratulations! we are pleased to inform you that you have been selected for admission to level 1 of the following full-time course, commencing 21 june 2004 :

diploma in visual communication etc......"

ahhhhh. hahaha

ok. so definitely....i'll choose design..out of the 3. (i didn't even have a portfolio! they asked if i had anything to show them...i was like...er...nothing. er. class t-shirt? which i designed. but i don't have with me) and i still got in! haha. and the written test....the drawing part.....out of 2 sections, i left 2 blank. ahhhh. hahahahaha. AND I STILL GOT IN...HAHAHA

just that...
if i choose design, i think my dad will kill me. i need chinee here.

out of
sp, creative media design
tp, tourism and hospitality management
tp, design

my dad doesn't know that i signed up for the last 2 courses. hahaHAHAHA. oh man. coz he thinks that those 2 are like.....no future or whatever. can't earn much. blah blah. HAHAHA. you see, my dad is super practical and all.

and i only went for the tourism one as a back-up plan..like, in case i couldn't get into anything else. and i got into everything! ahhhhhh. hahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAA
you know, God is soooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo good. even though i haven't been as good as i'm supposed to be. haha. ah.

hi mark! haha. i'm overjoyed. hey joshua! (if you read this) you'll be my senior if i join! hahahaaha

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. ok. i'm very very happy. lalalLALALALAAlalalalaalalal


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