i can't stand it when i can't stand things. meaning like, when i get all impatient and all that. :(

i am going to pass my test. and not only am i going to pass it, i'm going to pass it with flying colours! and i shall come out all the more stronger!

whee! haha. (",)

the purpose driven life
day 12
developing your friendship with God

"draw close to God, and God will draw close to you." - james 4:8

you are as close to God as you choose to be

like any friendship, you must work to develop your friendship with God.
it takes desire, time and energy
learn to care about what God cares about

1. i must choose to be honest with God
- eg. jon and abraham and david
- what may appear as audacity, God views as authenticity
- until we are mature enough to understand that God uses EVERYTHING for good in our lives, we habour resentment towards God over our unanswered prayer, appearance, background, past hurts and other things we would change if we were God
- bitterness is a barrier. so don't be bitter

2. i must choose to obey God in faith
- we obey not out of duty or fear or compulsion but becuase we love and trust that he knows what's best for us
- we are often challenged to do "great things" for God, actually,, God is more pleased when we do small things for him out of loving obedience. they may go unnoticed by others, but God notices and considers them acts of worship. (small opportunities surround us everyday)

3. i must choose to value what God values
- God cares most about the redemption of his people
- friends of God tell their friends about God
(that's why i was so happy when la and deb asked to come to wesley! and then they came over to my house after that and asked quite a few questions about the day's lesson during small group time. and well, thank God i was able to quite answer most of them. hi Lord! let this curiosity and blah blah continue! it's quite exciting you know? and it feels good to be able to share God)

4.i must desire friendship with God above all else
- phil 3:10..about paul wanting to know God...therefore, God used him greatly
- pain is the fuel of passion. it energizes us with an intensity to change that we don't normally posses.
c.s.lewis : "pain is God's megaphone". it's God's way of arousing us from spiritual lethargy. your problems are not punishment. they are wake-up calls from a loving God. God is not mad at you. He is mad about you and will do whatever it takes to bring you back into fellowship with him.

easy way to ignite your passion for God : start asking God to give it to you, and keep asking till you have it.

1 tim 6:21a ...paul told timonthy "some people have missed the most important thing in life - they don't know God."

then end. for today.

Jesus you are so good
Jesus you are so so good
And i just want to thank you
With every beat of my heart

today at the shop aunty maureen gave me 5 bucks and told me that it was to thank me for helping my mom do her hair, and it was also to encourage me to help my mom. hahahhahahaha.

qiang came to cut hair at my mom's shop today! haha. i get to decide how much my friends pay when they come to my mom's shop. haha

think. think. think.

everybodaae...drink more milk! it's good for your bones! haha.

i want to eat a sweet now. but there are no sweets at home. i could eat sugar. but that's not a very good idea. i might become high. like the other time when i ate sugar from macdonalds. ohwells, it's good to be high. just not now i guess. lalaLA.

hey. i actually miss wearing sch u. really. other than it being very hot when i wear it, it's actually a really nice uniform. (",) heh.

a/ysgl retreat on 12th-13th june and andrea and i are going! haha. lalala

stoning. :)


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