i typed out everything and then the comp hung. again....like, after i type out everything. and now, i have like...a time limit because my sis needs the comp. oh geez. i think it's s.a.tan. haha. but yah.
prideful rebellion...smtg mentioned in yesterday's lesson i think. i find myself praying for s.a.tan halfway during my prayers. like, why are you so stubborn?! just repent!

ok. but.whatever

let's get on...

"the purpose driven life"
day 8

"we were planned for God's pleasure

"the moment you were born into this world, God was there smiling at your birth, he wanted you alive and your arrival gave him great pleasure...God chose to create you.

"what greater significance can we have when God considers us valuable enough to keep with him for eternity?

"one of the greatest gifts that God has given you is the ability to enjoy...5 senses and emotions...so we can experience stuff. we can enjoy because we are made in God's image.

"God has emotions too. he feels things very deeply.

"bringing pleasure to god is called worship. worship is far more thatn music. worship predates music. worship is scripture reading, confessoin, singing,being still etc.

"worship is for god's benefit. not ours.

"worship is not a part of your life. it IS your life.

"the secret to a lifestyle of worship : do everything as if you were doing it for jesus. wok becomes worship when it is dedicated to God.

"real worship : falling in love with Jesus."


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