oh crap. i was warmed up the "hot pie" from bk and it's like...i think i put it in for too long. it's stuck on the sides now. bah

oh. let me talk a bit about that pimple i had just a few days back. yes, that huge pimple on my left cheek. well, it was fun while it "lasted" kind of thing. but i'm glad it's gone. haha. eugene wanted to pay me to pop it. like...oh yuck! zhou said it was disgusting that eugene wanted to pay me to pop it but in the end...zhou got tempted to pop it too. har har. and zhi gang(i think) said smtg like...to kiss(er) my other cheek so that it'd be equal (as in,one pimple on each side) and he after that he was like...okok. i know i've gone too far and he went on his knees whenever i walked past him. oh man. hahahahahaaha

very goot. i got someone to change her nic from "imnuthincomparedtoothers *dead" to "iamuniquespecial&exquisite smile* " (",) brilliant! haha. (oh. i'm not saying i'm brilliant. i'm saying that IT's brilliant)

joyce just got her package from design and like.....guess what. one thing she has to do is like, take urine sample or smtg. WAD IS DEES?!

the purpose driven life
day 10 (part 1...there's no part 1 or 2 or whatever. it's just too much to type at once. heh)

" the heart of worship is surrender. surrender is the natural response to God's amazing love and mercy

"give yourselves to God...surrender your whole being to him to be used for righteous purposes - romans 6:13

"...offer yourselves as living sacrifices - romans 12:1

"worship is offering yourself to God

"can i trust God? fear keeps us from surrendering, but LOVE CASTS OUT ALL FEAR, the more you realize how much God loves you, the easier surrendering becomes.

"barrier to total surrender : pride
A.W Tozer said...'the reason why many are till troubled, still seekind, still making little progress, is becuase they haven't yet come to the end of themselves. we're still trying to give orders, and interfering with God's work within us.'

"what it means to surrender :
- C.S Lewis : the more we let God take us over, the more truly ourselves we become - becuase he made us
- trust completely
- you know youve surrendered when you don't react to critism and rush to defend yourself- "where your treasure is, your heart will be also." - matthew 6 :21

"the blessing of surrender :
1. peace
2. freedom
3. experience God's power in your life. (eg. stubborn temptations and overwhelming problems can be defeated by Christ when given to him)

- william booth : the greatest of a man's power is in the measure of his surrender"

ok. will stop here for today. i hope this makes sense. i did it quite a while ago. like, i'd just jot down some impt parts. yep.

i'm giving la a piano lesson tmr! haha. and i'm going for a ym budget meeting. from the sound of it...looks like it's gonna be boring. haha. i'll just remember to bring a sweet. then i will stay awake. haha. i think.

ah. God is so good. i won't really elaborate here because i write this kind of stuff in my diary! paper and pen. ah. that's the best. i like to pen my thoughts down. oh. mei mei writes really well. :) she's a poet! lala...hi mei mei

haha. DESIGN....haha....DEsign...hahadeSign....hahadesignhahadesign


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