passion, coming from the root latin word pasus
means having suffered or having undergone

i think it's amazing how words feel/mean like what they look like when written or said. :)

don't read blindly ok? must absooorrrb. really understand what you're reading..and try to apply it in your life.

"the purpose driven life"

"the Lord has made everything for his own purposes[proverbs 16:4]

"everything comes from God alone. everything lives by his power and everything is for his glory. [romans 11:36]

"recognize God's glory,honour his glory, declare his glory, praise his glory, reflect his glory and live for his glory because we owe him every honour that we can possibly give.

"refusing to bring glory to god is prideful rebellion - the sin that caused satan, and our, fall.

"how to glorify God :

"1. by worshipping him. (worship by enjoying him)
- C.S Lewis :" in commanding us to glorigy him, God is inviting us to enjoy him."
- motivated by love, thanksgiving and delight. not duty
- John piper : "god is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him"
- when you use your life for god's glory, everything you do can become an act or worship

" loving other believers
- "accept each other just as Christ accepted you; then god will be glorified"(romans 15:7)
-"as i have lover=d you, so you must love one another. by this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (john 13:34-35)

"3. by becoming like Christ
- grow into spiritual maturity : becoming like Jeses in the way we think, feel and act
- "as the spirit of the lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more"(1 cor 12:26)

"4. by serving others with our gifts
- the way you're "wired" is not an accident
-john 12:27-28 (go read yourself)

"5. by telling others about him
- who are you going to live for? yourself? or God? God will give you what you need if you just make your choice to live for him
- right now, God is inviting you to live for his glory by fulfilling the purposes he made for you. it's really the only way to live. everything else is just existing.
- first, believe. believe that you are not an accident....believe thjat no matter what you've done, God wants to forgive you.
second, receive. receive Jesus, his forgiveness, and his spirit who will give you the power to fulfill your life purpose.

"where in my daily routine can i be more aware of God's glory?

" it's all for him!"

anyway, worship training camp is now from 15th-17th march (that's mon-wed). there will be a briefing for the camp next sunday. (",)

dear lord... =]


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