and so, this morning. i received a call from the mass comm. dept at ngee ann poly. and guess what? they've decided to accept me. and since i submitted my blah blah everything for design and was so looking forward to it already, i declined the offer.

and then my dad scolded me coz i didn't ask my parents about it first. and because i was so rash. true.

and so now, i don't know what i want to do, where i want to go. more importantly, i don't know what God wants me to do, where God wants me to do. i'm so scared that if i chose one, it's the wrong one...not where God wants me to go.

so how now brown cow?

i have until monday to decide. oh. and, monday MORNing.

i am super like...i don't know what to do. ahhh! ok. yes, i know. pray. but..ah. maybe God will give me a dream, like he did for kayhuat. and i will dream of whether i'm supposed to go to design, or mass comm.

i cry out, and God hears my voice.
but i don't hear His! how?
be still and know that i am God.

today, kayhuat talked about crossing the line.
1. line of the unknown
2. line of the impossible
3. line of the positive affirmation
4. line of the pull of the world

God has raised you up, for such a time as this.
Don't squeeze the power of God in a box...
God has called each one of us to be one of destiny!

you are wonderful
marvelous, forever
beautiful, prince of peace
faithful one, forever

sigh. there is so much to think about. so many questions to ask. but so few answers.
but, ohwells...

My God, is Big
So Strong, So Mighty
My God's plan for me
goes beyond my wildest dreams
My God, is good
He's so good, to me

He's my God and
He is my refuge
He's the rock on which I stand
He's my fortress
God He is my life
He holds the oceans in His hands

There's nothing my God cannot do
There's nothing my God cannot do
There's nothing my God cannot do
There's nothing my God cannot do...


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