"Do you feel you have a gift which is not included in the Wagner-Modified Houts Questionaire? Fret not! In the WMC YM Care and Concern Ministry, we can expound on all the hidden talents that you have, and use them for the disinterest of the people in YM! Join Today! We aim to promote networking amongst the people in YM, and show our Care and Concern to each other with our mouths. Official opening ceremony of this Ministry is the 11th and 12th of June, with Gary as the Chairperson, and Dickson as the Co-Chairperson. Come, and we will show you what can be done, and even more so what can be undone, in this exciting new Ministry!" -zhou hao

i'm in it! anybody want to join? oh man...hahaha...

jogging just now! carol,(ok. she didn't run. coz she ran in the morning already), dickson, gary, galilean(lion king), ernest, eric, mark d, zhou, patty and me. i went to patty's house before that :) we tried to study sound stuff but we failed...haha...feels good to have jogged. sometimes, i just feel like swinging my arms around and jumping about. oh. swinging my arms ard...hm. badminton! haha. haven't played for quite some time. should start playing again. and maybe table tennis. haha. thank you zhou for teaching me how to play! when we played at andrea's house the ping pong ball was bouncing waaay to high. but well, it was ok. it was my first time. :)

you know, my mom used to tell me that i could call God. 'call' as in, use the telephone and call. the number was 5015.
i half believed her...doubtful. but i think i did try to call. i can't remember...haha. well, i was a kid!
ok. it's actually psalm 50:15 "call upon me in the day of trouble. i will deliver you, and you will honour me."

so :) rite? to have someone who's always there. someon whom you will know will never leave you nor forsake you and even has a plan for your life. this great big plan which i and you are in. we have to obey Him! obedience. ah. i like it when i feel that i'm learning smtg and i'm growing up, spiritually. it's a good feeling. God is good :) whee~ haha. ok. i'm weird. actually, i wouldn't mind growing up, physically, too. like, a few more cm. haha. but actually, it doens't really matter. coz i'm a girl. and it's ok for girls to be short. not that it's not ok for guys to be short. it's just nicer if they're taller than the average girl i guess. haha... ok. so, is zhou gonna comment on this and tell everyone that he is 186 or 187cm? oh. he doens't have to. i just told everyone.

one way...Jesus! only way... :) and i like this way :) heh

i have decided to follow Jesus
no turning back
no turning back

let's take time to wait upon the Lord
let's take time to listen to His voice
unless the Lord builds the house
we labour in vain
so let's take time to wait upon the Lord

sometimes when worshipping, you don't have to follow everyone and clap their hands or sing the song you know? i think it's nice to just listen to the singing and think. think about the lyrics or the song. how true and wonderful it all is. and whether it's smtg that i really mean. and like...ah. a very nice song we sung today...

what a friend we have in Jesus
all our sins and griefs to bear
what a priviledge to carry
everything to God in prayer

then you think about how good God has been to you...carrying you through everything and all that :) it's a priviledge that we get man... God doesn't have to be so nice when we're so un-nice. but well, our god is a good God. amen? AMEN! very good... :)

Oh what peace we often forfeit
oh what needless pain we bear
all because we do not carry
everything to God in prayer

let God carry it all for you :) he understands. he knows. he loves you!

i think we're all a bit used to "God loves you"....so when this guy (jason?) came to talk at ym and he said smtg like... "not only does God love you...he likes you!" . haha. i liked that. God likes me! He likes me! like...seriously...He likes me! don't you like to have people liking you? haha. whee!~

Have we trials and temptations
is there trouble anywhere
If we have don't be discouraged
take it to the Lord in prayer

ah. prayer. you know? i don't like praying out loud in front of everyone. i always pray the same thing one. haha. but i like praying by myself. praying = talking to God. it's really nice to be able to talk and wonder about things and know that that great, big, wonderful Father is up there is listening to you :)

Jeremy gave me a book called "the weapon of prayer". he gave the other pple some books too :) it'll be a good read. prayer's really impt...God wants His house to be a house of prayer you know?
ok. so i need to get used to praying out loud. lalala

hello Lord. give me the sign that i asked for? ok. if it's for you. lalala


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