just came back from basic sign lang course. am in andrea's group with yiling :) was quite fun...i need to practice :))

you're the want that i want
you're the one that i need
you're the one i love
coz jesus you're everything

played for acsb's chapel on mon and tues and it was fuun! good that they had a good sound system...tho the room acoustics were not good. but, whatever. i couldn't hear the un-nice sound. hanxuan, the acsb drummer played with us. he's goood man. since the first chapel was at 8am, and the next was at 1pm, on tues, eugene wanted to go to cold storage or smtg and i refused. i couldn't move. i just...stoned outside the chapel. so we decided to go to barker rd mc's office to sit outside. then iris saw us there and opened a room for us. joshua slept like....2 hours?!? and i slept for 45 mins. woke up with the feeling of pins and needles in my hand coz i was lying on it. eugene couldn't sleep at all.

the purpose driven life
day 13
worship that pleases God

"love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." - mark 12 :30

impt : why you worship, and how much of yourself you offer to God when you worship

1. God is pleased when our worship is accurate
- worship must be based on truth of scripture ( worship as how he is revealed in the bible)
- john 4:23 " true worshippers withh worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks."

2. God is pleased when your worship is authentic
- worship is your spirit communicating with God's spirit
- heartless praise is worthless... an insult to God
- since worship involces delighting God, it engages your emotions. God gave you emotions so that you could worship Him with deep feeling- but those emotions must be genuine, not faked. God hates hypocrisy. he wants your real, honest love. you can worship God imperfectly, but not insincerely.
- use both heart and head to worship. today, many pple equate being emotionally moved by music as being moved by the spirit,but these are not the same. real worship happens when your spirit responds to God, and not to some musical tone. in fact, some songs hinder worship because they take the spotlight off God and focus on our feelings (eg. sentimental songs) your biggest distraction in worship is your self- your interests and worriers of what others think about you.
- the best style of worship is the one that most authentically represents your love for God. if God intentionally made us all diff, why should we be expected to love God in the same way? you don't bring glory to God by trying to be someone he never intended you to be.

3. God is pleased when your worship is thoughtful
- Jesus called thoughtless worship "vain repititions"(matthew 6:&) if worship is mindless, it is meaningless.

4. God is pleased when your worship is practical
- God asks us to give what we have...what he has given to us

when your praise God even when you don't feel like it, when you get out of bed to worship when you're tired. , or when you help others when you are worn out, you are offering a sacrifice to God. and God is pleased.

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the end

went to take medical exam today...have to do so...if you want to study in tp. so dumb. ok. maybe not. but, whatever. they had to do a urine test. and the stupid thing was, i peed before i left the house. and so, i drank like, about 800ml of water and just sat there. and sat there. and sat there. until i felt the need to pee. so dumb. ahh. so dumb. ahhh. so dumb. har har hahahaha.

it is now 11.55pm and i am eating my dinner - packet noodles. lalala.

hey. you know, it's nice to draw with the end of a pencil. as in, the normal pencil. not mechanical one. then you rub it hard...the colour comes off. i drew a nice big star, and a cross with a crown of thorns hung on it during tuesday morning's chapel session.

i can sign my abcs without looking at the paper! ok. it's actually quite easy la. just not easy to do it fast. :)


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