nice andrea fetched patty and i home from sound class today :)

you know the passion of the Christ movie? i heard that they didn't show the soldier's face becuase that person in the show who was doing it was actually mel gibson. coz like, you know, actually, if not for our sins, Jesus wouldn't have to die for us. kinda thing. so mel gibson...yea. ok.(the soldier who hammered the nail into Jesus' hands. i mean)

Ephesians 6:7 "serve the Lord wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men."
that's the ushering team's theme verse.
mark! if you read this...bring the ushering shirt design on sunday can? thank you!

ok. i should go sleep soon. i've been having eyes that grow tired real easily. this happens after i like, spend to much time reading non-stop. then...yeps

tmr : mom's shop. then go to ymca to help move stuff to yWca. then band prac! whoopee! whee! hahahaha. i've been waiting for this. hahahaha.

zzzzzzzzzzz. i'm not tired. my eyes are tired!
sleep hui! sleep!


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