ok. i didn't really mean to post that. but well, whatever. :) my dad, is my dad. :) and i do love him. it's just blah blah blah and blah blah blah. well, everyone blah blah blah you see. anyway, some things are just things that you don't dwell on, you know?i get over stuff quite quickly :) not that it was very much. ah. whatever. yeps. so yea, :) i deleted the last post. ah "another pok", which pok are you? uh. i don't know how the word "pok" got there actually. i was typing it all in a rush. heh.

bollywood rocks! haha. not really la. but somtimes, yes, it does rock.

the purpose driven life
day 14
when God seems distant....

God is real, no matter how you feel.

the deepest level of worship is praising God in spite of pain, thanking God during a trail, trusting him when tempted, surrendering while suffering, loving him when he seems distant.

"i will never leave you nor forsake you." - deut 31:8

you feel dry, you pray, you fast...but this spiritual gloom doesn't end! ...... there's nothing wrong with you. this is a normal part of a testing and maturing of your friendship with God. every christian goes through it. it is painful and discouraging and disconcerting, but it is absolutely vital for the development of your faith.

it is a test of faith - will you continue to love, trust and obey God even when you have no sense of his prescence, or visible evidence of his work in your life?

common mistake : seeking experience rather than seeking God.

God's omniprescence and the manifestation of his presence are 2 different things. one is a fact. the other is often a feeling.

how do you keep your eyes on Jesus when they are full of tears? do what job did (job 1 :20-21)

1. tell God exactly how you feel
- pour out your heart to God. unload every emotion that you are feeling
- admitting your hopelessness to God can be a statement of faith!

2. focus on who God is...his unchanging nature
- he is a good God, he loves you, he knows what you are going through. he cares. and he has a great plan for your life :)

3. trust God to keep his promises
- patiently rely on the promises of God. realize that he is taking you into a deeper level of maturity

4. remember what God has already done for you!
- self-explanatory...plus..he died on the cross for you. for YOU!

the end, for today.

you know, i think we all need to learn how to be patient and how to have self-control. it's really hard sometimes. when pple say smtg about us, scold us for something which we don't understand (esp when we are not/don't feel that we are at fault) but well, i think it takes a lot of self-control etc. to not talk back and just well, let that person go on. as long as you know that you're right. and well, pple will be able to see that you're right if you really are right and there's no need to defend yourself.

ok. i don't know why i wrote that. oh. or maybe i know. but i shouldn't go on. coz when i talk about this kind of stuff, i get blur halfway. then i don't know what i'm talking about. haha. lalaLA.

i think the sound room at ywca is like, super small. so it gets quite crowded in there. i think there's an equaliser there. let's hurry get our spectrum analyzer!then patty and i can go tune the eq...and the p&p eq too. that's if, they let us. =) whee! ahhhh! sound exam coming. die. how ah. die. die. die. har har. die. (as in, i die.i think patty also die. but i dunno la. har har) haha. oh. oh. O_o

pok! thank you for that diary entry (",) haha. you learned a very many lessons the past week huh? haha :)


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