the purpose driven life
day 15
formed for God's family...

because God is love, he treasures relationships. his very nature is relational, and he identifies himself in 3 terms : Father, Son, Holy spirit

benefits of being in God's family :
- we're his heirs...everything that is his, we get too!
- phil 4:19 " my God will meet all your needs, according to his glorious riched in Christ Jesus"
- etc :)

identifying with God's family...baptism
- baptism is so impt because it symbolizes God's second purpose for your life : participating in the fellowship of God's eternal family
- your baptism declares your faith, shares Christ's burial and resurrection, symbolizes your death to your old life, and announces your new life in Christ.

it is life's gretest priveledge! whenever you feel unimportant, unloved or insecure, remember to whom you belong!

the end

church today. easter sunday :) Jesus rose!

toby the tutle from gap kids, england. the one who laughs. and is a soft toy.
i brought it to church today.

i drew a nice design on my hand today. but mr flAmE destroyed it. haha. he said it looked like a tattoo, that's why. quite true la. :)
i always draw the nice stuff like...on my hand or somewhere where it can't be kept. bah.

went to andrea/ben liang's house. finally! after the so many times i was supposed to go but never did. they were playing table tennis. and i didn't want to try. until they all went out. and only zhou, reuben and i were left in the room then i played. haha. i can play table tennis now! haha. but i can't serve properly. heh.

then we ate pizza! ok. eugene didn't hear what the person recommended properly and just said ok to it. so we ended up having this uh...ikan bilis pizza? eh. and we all (andrea, ben, zhou, reuben, eugene, jeremy) sat around the table talking about what? talking about marriage. and relationships. lalaLA

Hosanna to the king of kings !


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