the purpose driven life
day 17
a place to belong

"God's family is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth." - 1 tim 3:15b

we discover our role in life through relationships with others.

why you need a church family :

- a church identifies you as a genuine believer [ok. i think this is not completely true. coz some pple come to church for other reasons like...their parents/friends come and blah blah]

- it moves you out of self-centered isolation : church is the classrm where you learn how to get along....where you learn how to love others like how Jesus loves you

- it helps you develop spiritual muscle : isolation breeds deceitfulness; it is easy to fool ourselves into thinking we are mature if there is no one to challenge us. also, we grow faster and stronger by learning from each other and being accountable to each other.

- the body of Christ needs you...God wasnt you to help build His church

- you will share in Christ's mission in the world

- it will help yo keep you from backsliding

it's all in the church :)
worship helps you focus on God
fellowhip " face life's problems
discipleship " fortify your faith
ministry " find your talents
evangelism " fulfill your mission

members = contributors
attenders = consumers

:) the end.

Pour out your Spirit Lord, on your people

Let it rain

my daddy's heart is growing bigger :)
it's taking years. and the once-in-a-while impatient, un-understandable times
but well, it's growing bigger :) and it's amazing :)
and one day, that heart will be big enough to contain that great big God of yours and mine.
one day, soon. :)

thank you Jesus! :)


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