4 days of the purpose driven life thingie here...be patient and read through it properly and those just decide to scan through coz it's so loonng.

the purpose driven life
day 27
defeating temptation

1. focus your attention on smtg else
-don't fight the thought. every time you think about it, it gets driven deeper in. the more you think of smtg, the stronger it takes hold of you. so, ignore!
2. share with someone else
(if it's a really beeeg temptation i guess)
3. resist the devil
- he can only suggest. he can't force you
4. realize your vulnerability
-1 cor 10:12 "...forget about self-confidence, it's useles...cultivate God-confidence..."

day 28
it takes time (to grow)

why it takes so long :
- we are slow learners - we need repeated exposure
- we have a lot to unlearn (hmm)
- we are afraid to humbly face the truth about outselves - need humble, teachable attitude
- growth is often painful and scary (sometimes)
- habits take time to develop

don't be in a hurry! :)
- belive God is working in your life even when you don't feel it
- take note of stuff you've learnt
- be patient with God and yourself : God is always on time (",)
- don't get discouraged

(this is pretty funny...) keep moving forward! even the sanil reached the ark by persevering!

#4 : you were shaped for serving God

day 29
accepting your assignment

you were created tyo ADD life on earth. not to just take from it.

1. you were created to serve God
- matt 24:34-40 ...whenever you serve others in any way, you are too, serving God

2. you were saved to serve God
- 2 tim 1:9 "it is He who saved us and chose us for His holy work, not because we deserve it, but because it was His plan."
- we don't servie God out of guilt or fear or duty but out of joy and deep gratitude. through salvation, our past has been forgiven, our present is given meaning, and out future is secured. :)
- God has a ministry for you in His church, and a mission for you in His world (",)

3. you are called to serve God
- anytime you use your God-given abilities to help others, you are fulfilling your calling

service ain't optional.

day 30 + 31
shaped for serving God + understanding your shape

you are the way you are coz you were made for a specific ministry.

God never wastes anything. He would not give you abilities, interests, talents, gifts, personality and life experiences unless he intended to use them for his glory.

1. unwrapping your Spiritual gifts
- these are special God-empowered abilities for serving Him that are only given to believers (1 cor 2:14)
- don't be envious of other pple's gifts!

2. listening to your Heart
- heart : a bundle of desires, hopes, interests, ambitions, dreams and affections you have. your heart determines why you say/feel/act the way you do.
- heart : passion
- eph 6:6 --> God wants passionate, not dutiful serving
- listen for inner promptings. (ah)
- how do you know when you're serving God with your heart?
1. enthusiasm : you do what you love to do. you need not be motivated.challenged or checked on. you enjoy it. you don't need reward/applause/payment coz you love serving in this way. when you don't have a heart for wht you're doing, you're easily discouraged.
2. effectiveness : passion drives perfection

3. applying your Abilities
- what i am able to do, God wants me to do :)
- God doesn't wasted abilities; he matches our calling with our capabilities

4. using your Personality
- your personality affects how and where you use your spiritual gifts and abilities :)

5. employing your Experiences
- family, educational, vocational, spiritual , ministry, painful experiences : God never wastes a hurt
- "experience is not what happens to you. it is what you do with what happens to you." -aldous huxley

you will be most effective when you use your spiritual gifts and abilities in the area of your heart's desire, and in a way that best expresses your personality and experiences.

the better the fit, the more successful you will be.

the end.

ok. that was 5, not 4 days worth.

ok. the day 30 and 31 one is uh, related to what's occupying my thoughts (actually, noty really. haha. uh. whatever). but it's not helping much. argh.
well well, let's talk to more pple shall we chinhui?

ok. i'm going to use "paint." everything on my comp got erased and blah blah so i'm gonna draw some stuff!


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