haha. i jogged for an hour today. haha
ok. i didn't jog for a whole hour.
i jogged for like, 20 mins.
then i was like, "jogging" at a super slow speed.
then sprint a short distance.
then "jog" at super slow speed.
then sprint a short distance.
repeat repeat repeat.

haha. yay! it's the first time i went so long. blah blah.

my sis is maaad! she can jog for a whole hour continuously and not die. sheesh. :)

andrea, ben and joanne popped by the shop just now coz they were around...it seemed like they were going to buy smtg to do with golf...for mother's day. i think. haha.
and i? i haven't gotten anything. hmm.

poks rock!

my piggy bank's really full. full of God's blessings.



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