He's got the whole world in His hands

You broke the night like the sun
and healed my heart with Your great love
any trouble couldn't bear
You lifted me upon Your sholders

Love that's stronger
Love that covers sin
and takes the weight of the world

i love You
all of my hope is in You
Jesus Christ take my life
take all of me

You stand upon mountain tops with me
with You i walk through the valleys
Your grace is all i rely on

i love You so, and i give up my heart to say
i need You so, my everything

ah. i must learn to complete my thinking. as in, finish thinking what i'm thinking about. come to a conclusion. unless it's smtg to incredibly in-depth la.

i think i just want to sit at that somewhere and look up at the clouds and try find some meaning. i think everything here on earth...you look at it, you can see God saying smtg. as in like, a few days ago the purpose driven life thingie said smtg like.."a little lie is like being a little pregnant. it will eventually show itself." kinda thing. and, ah. i dunno. ah. yet again i say, i'm no good at putting my thoughts down in words. ohwells.

oh aniwae, smtg really interesting : When you're down to nothing, God is up to something :))

felt a bit funny standing up there singing for worship today coz there was no keyboard to put my hands on. haha...

"the joy of the Lord is my strength." - neh 8:10



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