my ear's at C weighted a lot.

my mind shall be filled with good thoughts, and good thoughts only. good, happy, lovely, admirable, considerate, honest, helpful, holy, kind, noble, praiseworthy, proper, right, thougtful...ok. i'm like, typing from "the oxford children's thesaurus". heh :)

it's nice to have time to think :)
quiet moments
that's why i walk home sometimes, like, when i get back at 10, 11+
time to be alone, with God :)

i like this a lot a lot a lot :)

"Be still and know that I am God."


friday night : band prac :) and then, stay over at sae studio. bah. baaaaah. bah bah black sheep have you any wool? yes sir yes sir. three bags full. patty patty patty khoo.

andrea, the purpose driven youth min conference seems to be for leaders! as in, older leaders! i dunno. and is it subsidised :P but it seems quite cool...lots to learn :)

He is exalted

He is exalted
the King is exalted on high
i will praise Him
He is exalted
gotever exalted
and i will parise His name

He is the Lord
forever His truth shall reign
heaven and earth rejoice in His holy name
He is exalted
the King is exalted on high

I Love You, Lord

i love You, Lord
and i lift my voice
to worship You
oh, my soul rejoice

take joy, my king
in what You hear
let me be a sweet, sweet sound
in Your ear

Oh Lord, You're Beautiful

oh Lord, You're beautiful
Your face is all i seek
and when Your eyes are on this child
Your grace abounds to me

you know, God is like, AMAZING man ...whew!


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