my favourite breakfast food is roti prata. the best : just cook one. :) so it's crispy. i guess it's my fav coz..i've been eating it for breakfast since young? [i mean, apart from the fact that roti prata IS delicious] coz just opposite my house were quite a few roti prata stalls. kosong. eat with sugar. yum yum. i think mark can fit one whole prata in his mouth. that time at uh...adam rd after jogging? dunno. or maybe he had to split it into 2 first.i split it into many many pieces. my mom used to tear them apart for my brother and i.

my God is faithful and true. and so am i.

geddit? geddit?

i can only say that i'm faithful and true coz THAT'S MY NAME ! :)

eh. ha


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