ok...let's continue the worry thing. seems like everyone is worrying (of course). worrying about the chinese o's. worrying about the future. worrying about the decisions they have to make. worrying about....blah blah blah

what can we do with our worry?

1. turn our attention to God

- God is in-charge! nothing is beyond the knowledge and control of God. worriers feel that things are out of control= that smtg terrible is about to happn(might happen) and they can't stop it.

- 3 impt truths about God :
1. God is everywhere...we can't get to a place where God is not. there is no place, no matter how alone we may feel, that God cannot be. he is everywhere!
2. God knows everything...he knows how afraid we are, what scares us. the more worried we are, the more we act as if God were ignorant of our situation. we don't know the future. but God does. Hes knows how everything is going to turn out. [remember romans 8:28...all things work for the good of those who love him! :)] he knows our needs.
3. God is all-powerful...worriers feel that no one has the power to stop the bad things that might happen. remember that God is in-charge. realise that. and well, peace will come :)

-God can carry our burdens!... how do we give our burdens to God? how do we place them on his shoulders and leave them there? by acting on what we know. he is an all-powerful, trustworthy God. when we worry, we hold back from trusting in Him. we are putting ourselves in his place. we're saying we can do better.
"commit your way to the Lord, trust also in him" psalm 37:5

- God can take away our fear... worry is how we express our fear of the future. we're afraid of the consequences and what lies ahead. knowing that God is a good God- that nothing evil can originate in him- helps drive fear away. also, accept God's love for s. if we are to have any fear, it is is to have fear of the Lord. yet to fear him is to love him and to accept and feel secure in his wonderful love for us. our responsibility, accepting the goodness and love of God, is to make the same choice as david. psalm 46:2 - "therefore we will not fear"

- God can sustain us...when we feel vulnerable, we beome distracted by the concerns of your minds. the God who cannot be moved will keep us from being shaken by the worries and cares of life.

- God will always be with us... worry is a solitary burden. we tend to carry it along. the more we worry, the more alone and helpless we feel. but as children of God, we are never alone. we will never be abandoned.

ok. will continue tmr. this is enough for a day.

so the summary :
the next time you start to be overcome by worry, turn to God and remember that
1. he is in charge
2. he can carry your burdens
2. he can take away your fear
4. he can sustain you
5. he will never leave you

i guess it's like, really hard to hand over all our worries and all to God. but well, i guess it's all down to really really trusting Him and having faith in Him. and to do that, i guess we gotta know him well. i mean, you have to know a person well before you can trust him or her right? and well, when we know God really really well, we will know that He really is all that the bible says him to be. :) and then we can really unload and give him our all.

xuefeng is irritating.

oh. btw, HE asked me to put it. i'm just being nice and well, granting him his uh, wish. yea. :)

do you hear God calling you?
"but i have raised you up for this very purpose, that i might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth." - ex 9:16

and sometimes, it's so hard to see what God's plan for you is. but see, that's having faith again. and like i mentioned before, even if you make the "wrong" decision, romans 8:28 ..."all things work for the good of those who love him and have been called acc to his purpose".

God is good, people, God is good. and you are His people. and His people are the most important to him. which makes you well, super important. :) God likes you! ok yes, he loves you. but i like to say "likes"... :) remember that you're precious in his sight. and that he will never leave you nor forsake you.

remember, again, isaiah 43:1-4

"when you pass through the waters,

i will be with you;

and through the rivers,

they will not overflow you.

when you walk through the fire,

you will not be scorched,

nor will the flame burn you.

for i am the Lord your God...

you are precious in my sight."


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