the purpose driven life
day 26
growing through temptation

temptation simply provides the choice.
God develops the fruit of the Spirit in your life by allowing you to experience circumstances in which you're tempted to express the exact opposite quality. the proces of Character development involves choices, and temptaion provides that opportunity.

eg. love : by putting unlovely pple around us
joy : when we're in the midst of sorrow
stuff like that

how temptation works :

1. satan identifies a desire within you
- temptation starts when satan suggests (with a thought) that you give in
- we think that temptation lies around us, but God says it begins within us. if you didn't have the desire within, the temptation would not have been able to attract you.

2. doubt
- satan tries to get you to doubt what God said about the sin

3. deception
- satan is the "father of lies" -john 8:44
- a little sin is just like being a little'll eventually show itself

4. disobedience
- you finally act on the thought. you've given in. you've belived satan's lies and fallen into the trap :(

overcoming temptation :

- refuse to be intimidated : some christians feel ashamed just for being tempted. they feel guilty..that they are not "beyond" temptation. this is a misunderstanding of maturity. you will never outgrow temptation.
(here they say that the closer you grow to God, the more you'll be tempted. ok. true. but i think...when you're closer to God, your thoughts are more uh. refined. well, you don't really get tempted over those everyday stuff. so like, i guess the temptations do get "bigger" when you grow closer to God. just that temptations don't come as often coz well, [ah. see. i get blur again] but well, uh. do you get what i mean? uh. if you don't, uh...well, nvm)

- request for God's help! psalm 50:15 (remember i said that my mom used to tell me it was God's telephone number? and i actually half believed her? ) "call upon me in the day of trouble and i will deliver you. and you will honour me."
God's love is everlasting, and his patience endures forever. if you have to cry out to God a million times a day, he will still be eager to give mercy and grace, so come bodly. (hebrews 4:16) ask Him for the power to do the right thing and then expect him to provide it.

James 1:12 "blessed is the man who perseveres under the trial becuase when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life..."

the end

1 corinthians 10:13
"no temptation has seized you except what is common to man. God is faithful. He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. but when you are tempted, He will provide a way out, so that you can stand up under it."


sign class today was pretty fun. we were doing words like...sad, happy, angry, frustrated....emotions kinda thing. and andrea and i were laughing at each other quite a bit. or at least, she was laughing at me. and i was laughing at her. or just laughing after doing each expression...

i had my first hi-tea today! haha... at shangri-la with sandy and jeremy. i ate too much. (nono. i'm not the "oh no! i'm gonna get fat!" kinda) but well, i think we kindi la like, stuffed ourselves. but well, the food was pretty good man! yum yum... *licks lips*

i want to be overflowing! with a lot of good good stuff! stuff that comes from God! :))) don't YOU wanna be overflowing with all the good stuff too? so all that good stuff will just, well, overflow. come out...spread around :))

we've been given so much, we must learn to give too! after all, it is better to give than to receive :)

that's the day when the wind blows
that's the day when the earth begins to move
when the lion adn the lamb start walking, two by two
that's they day when the wind blows
when the sky is torn in two
and the Lord of Lord in all His glory
comes for you

that's the chorus of a song that huishan sang a few yrs back for a SID worship. :)

who am i
point of grace. by nathan and christy nockles

over time you're healed so much in me, i am living proof
that although my darkest hour had ome, your light could still shine through
thought at times it's just enough to cast a shoadow on the wall
well i am grateful that you shine a light on me at all

who am i
that you would love me so gently
who am i
that you would recognize my name
Lord who am i
that you would speak to me so softly
conversation with the love most high
who am i

amazing grace how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me
i once was lost but now i'm found
was blind but now i see
and the more i sing that sweet old song
the more i understnad
that i do not comprehend this love
that's coming from your hand

grace, grace, God's grace
grace that will pardon and cleanse within
grace, grace, God's great grace
grace that is greater than all my sin


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