read psalm's a very nice psalm :)

psalms have been popping up a lot. so maybe i should go and read psalms. :)

i actually woke up early today. like, 40 mins early, by myself, like last week (even earlier actually). see, God helps even in the littlest littlest things. lalala

lunch at fish and co. today. and next sunday too...ah. i couldn't finish my food. in england, i couldn't finish all my food..chinee had to finish almost all my food for me. haha. and talking about chinee. whee. it's may already. that means she's coming back like, next month! wow. fast man. :)

gotta call bak kim ho and gotta go back to sae. grrr.

oh yes. the sound stuff? ah. the studio. well, it's this small room. and there's this window facing in. well, there were this group of guys + one girl. and among them was this half crazed guy. ok. well, he was drunk. then he'd just stand at the window for a while. and look in. and lift up his bottle of whatever alcohol blah blah for us to see. like, "you want?" kinda thing. eeeh. was kinda scary.

part of my small grp's doing masterlife, starting june. and well, if i do it, i need to be very committed. ah. and school's gonna be starting. lalala. and everyone's telling me i'm gonna need to slog. and blah blah. lalala. oh man. lalala

take all of me :)


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