"what can i do with my worry?" by rbc ministries...
found it quite interesting. so here's parts of it...

what do we worry about? generally,

1. threats : physically threatened (safety), threatened by what others think of them. they want to look good and do well at all times. worry about being abandoned.

2. choices : many pple worry when they have to make a decision. they will do anything to avoid making a wrong choice. this is true even when they are faced with two good options....worried about making the wrong choice and ending up unhappy (haha. now now. why does this sound so...familiar?)

3. past experiences

why do we worry?

1. because we're vulnerable : as human beings, we're susceptible to many things....

2. because we become aware of our vulnerability

3. because we distrust God : confronted with our vulnerability, we have a choice. we can turn our safety over to God and trust Him with our pprehensions. or we can take our well-being into our own hands. that's what Peter did on the water. confronted by his fraility, he lost faith in Jesus. yet he knew he couldn't save himself.
Jesus' words to peter are revealing. "o you of little faith. (matt 14:31). peter stopped trusting Jesus. when we no longer feel that we can trust Jesus with our lives, our feelings, our future, we worry. and that is sin becuase we are taking responsibilities on ourselves that belong to the Lord. we are stubbornly refusing to place ourselves in His strong hands.

What can we do with our worry?
...will be continued on another day. or maybe later.


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