it's 0117hrs, sunday. and i'm drawing whatever perspective stuff.
how nice.
actually, i'd rather be sleeping.
but i've got homework to pass up.
actually, i'm not doing my homework.
i'm just trying to draw perspective stuff from this book i borrowed from tp library. we have a super cool library. i haven't seen all of it. the fiction books on level 3 seem boring. maybe i just haven't looked properly. but anyway, the design books are really good. really cool. haha...
actually, i was supposed to do my homework...before this. not so last minute.
but actually, it's not really last minute now.
coz i have to hand it in on monday. oh. it's sunday already.
but well, it's not yet sunday night.
but anyway.

i'm so full of crap la ok.


east coast tmr morning. ym. e3
then family lunch.
then out with chinsiew to buy shoes. yipee!
just that i'm super picky.
i was supposed to but track shoes about 6 months ago.
but never did. coz i'm so picckkkyy.

yay! wear shoes. not slippers all the time. whee...

i have to draw my bedroom for drawing fundamentals class.
die la.
my bedroom is messy and cluttered.
so, some things will be left out.
not some.
many things.

ah. crap. i'm tired. so i'm crapping.

not that when i'm not tired, i don't crap.

when i'm high, i crap too.


oh. abi,eric,bardee, the previous posts' comments. i typed some stuff to you all there. :)

wesley ym has many leaders
let us meet them one by one
..... YAY!

wah lau. i just read my friends' blog (not linked here so don't bother to try find out who. haha.seems like some of you read my friend's blogs more often than i do.) she's crazy about a tp design guy. she calls him radio. coz he can make funny dj whatever blah blah sounds (you know which guy right joshua?) i did the design sch dance with him and we were both so blur. ah. hahahahahahaha. so funny to just read her blog. dear dear lab partner ah. you ah. haha. one week into sch and i've like, seen you once. too bad we don't have any classes together. bah. ohwells


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