Moving Forward!

It is interesting that the word "Forward" is mentioned 888 times in the Bible.
It seems to me that God likes that word. Our God is a God who is moving forward
and progressing all the time. When we read of the Spirit of God in the
Scriptures, we see Him always moving. He is not static or idle but He moves. It
is interesting to study the way our human body is constructed. All our vital
organs are in front. We are constructed for forward movement and not to go
backwards. It is the same in the spiritual. The Church must be on the move
forward. I think that one of the things that has been essentially wrong with
Christians today is that our perception of being born-again tends to be a static
experience. And for some reason, spiritual growth stops for many Christians
after they get saved.

But that is not what God intended for us. He intended for us to meet Him and
then to follow Him, no matter what the implications might be. Did you know that
only one time in the Bible did Jesus say, "You must be born again?" 84 times He
said "Follow me" and we need to discover what that means.

2 Chron 7:14 is perhaps the most oft-quoted Scripture pastors use when summoning
for a prayer meeting and rightly so. It is a call by the Lord God to us to
humble ourselves, seek His face, repent and pray. If you want to put it another
way, it is a call for a prayer movement; that if we want God to move, then we
must first move. If we sit passively and do nothing, then nothing is going to
happen. But if we start to take action, if we start to pray, then the Lord will
respond. The great evangelist Smith Wigglesworth used to say "If God is not
moving in a meeting, I will move Him." I wonder if that is theologically sound,
but the truth of the matter is:- God is wanting for us to initiate the prayer
meeting. If we will pray, He will respond. Period.

I share that with you because I sense that what the Lord is asking of us is to
initiate a prayer movement. When that trumpet is sounded, will you answer to the
challenge! I believe that if we will respond to the Lord in prayer, He will
respond by answering from heaven.



today :

went to school 2 hours early to walk around with la and zara. the seniors taped this guy to a chair and wheeled him around school. and i did nothing for a while. then went to the typo classroom, only to find a notice outside saying that there would be no class. so i went to the studio with a friend. then she showed we how to do shading. but uh, i still don't know how to shade. then went to joshua's house. mark was there. doing nothing. ok. not doing nothing la. not doing much. or at least, i didn't know what he was doing. ah. haha. well, i managed to come up with something for my nancy homework. and bought don't-know-what paper thingie for photography from joshua. and i'll get my free pencils from him on sat. lucky him has no school tmr. i think. maybe i should go change one of my classes so i get a free day where i don't have to go to school and i can just stay at home and do work. hmm.

why am i typing this?
ah. i know. because people always ask me what i do in school. so i'll just tell them to read this. ah. haha.

ah. byeee


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