Passionate Prayer
Greg Laurie
Harvest Ministries

Have you ever felt like the bottom has just dropped out of your life? Have you ever felt like you were just hanging on by a thread, because things had become so incredibly difficult? What does God tell us we should do when we are suffering, when we are in trouble? We find the answer in James 5: we should pray. Why? It just may be that God will remove your problems because of your prayer. By simply bringing your circumstances before the Lord and acknowledging your need and dependence on Him, God can lift that problem you are presently facing. That is not to say that God always will take our suffering or troubles away. Even then, prayer gives us the grace we need to endure our troubles and grow closer to God.


By Steven Curtis Chapman

My words fall like drops of rain.
My lips are like clouds.
I've said so many things, trying to figure you out.
As mercy opens my eyes, my words are stolen away.
With this breathtaking view of your grace...

And I am Speechless
I'm astonished and amazed
I am silenced by your wondrous grace.
You have saved me
You have raised me from the grave.
And I am Speechless
In your presence now.
I'm astounded as I consider how
You have shown us the love that leaves us speechless.

So what kind of love can this be
That will trade heaven's throne for a cross
To think that you still celebrate
For finding just one who was lost.
To know you rejoice over us
The God of this whole universe.
It's a story too great for words...

I've been invited to come and ...

Believe the unbelievable
Receive the inconceivable
And see beyond my wildest imagination
Lord, I come with great expectations

- Great Expectations
also steven curtis chapman :)


Where love takes you in and everything changes
A miracle starts with the beat of a heart
When love takes you home and says you belong here
The loneliness ends and a new life begins
When love takes you in

"He is no fool, to give up what he cannot gain for something he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot (",)


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