ah crap.
there's APEL tmr in sch frmo 8.30-5.30 so that's like the whole day gone. and on what? well, it's like CME.
that means i have less time to do my work. and i have a lot of work to do.
i stayed back to finish my colour stuff tmr. mixing paints to [aint little square boxes. 120 boxes. plus the extra 10 coz i didn't do last week's work.

the postcard that i did for pl's thanksgiving service looked nice when i did it. but i just got the printed copy. and guess what? it looks horrible. the black is not as dark as the one i used so the silver and milky blue on it doesn't stand out. and on the back, it was supposed to be my handwriting. but we were gonna change it. told them to use verdana. and my friend said she'd ask them to find something similar to my handwriting. but of course, no such thing(that's why i asked them to use verdana. but they didn't) and the colour is different. it's not silver and blue words. it's silver and green. and the words below are supposed to be smaller, but it's not. and the verse below is supposed to be spread out. but it's not. they didn't follow what i did. so the postcard DOES NOT look good. it looks incredibly cheapskate and uncool. sheesh. if they were going to do this, i might as well have let them to everything and i shouldn't have bothered to do anything other than tell them what to put in. bah. lousy designer (designer ??!?!?).and lousy pple who don't want to listen to ME. so see, out turns an ugly postcard. it was supposed to look kinda classy. but now, it looks cheap. like...super lousy. and it was expensive coz we listened to the school and got their contact instead of ours to print it out. and the printing is lousy. lousy! lousy!!!



ok. hello joshua. how was the party? fuuun? hope you enjoyed yourself :) (no "u" with 2 dots on top here)

and ok. stupid postcard.
i should go do my work.
coz of apel tmr, i can't stay up tonight, then sleep in late tmr. instead, i have to wake up early. for what? for cme. alamaks. richard wee says too bad he's not our apel teacher or else we get to hear a lot of horror stories.
well, stories are nice to hear i guess.
aniwae, it means i have to stay up sunday night to do my work. and i have to do what work? nancy's work.

oh. eric. i get what you mean now. sell xbox.
how to sell?
it's already so good. and how to market? ah. whatever.

my friend did tiger beer. with added flavours. and there was uh, what...colour perncils..and i don't know what else.

i'm supposed to go to art friend with ee tmr then she can help me bring back my stuff coz there's lots to buy. and my free easel to bring back. but i can't. coz of apel.

ah. apel. well, you get one credit for it. you need 120 credits to graduate from vsc(that's my course).

ok. chinhui shuddup and go do your work.

why am i so talkative? - "talkative" -
i felt jumpy today. felt like jumping around. ah. haha. well, i did, a bit.

nancy's homework. eeeyucks. ok. fine. byee.

[and so yes, as you can see, i am crazy. no, insane(as joshua puts it. how nice. it's a compliment, you know?)]



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