ah*hui is sooper tired.

on the way back home in the mrt just now..when sarah and deb were just about to go out, they practically shouted my name out loud for the whole train compartment to hear. they were like, "BYE BYE JINGHUI!" and they ran out the door and after looking at them, everyone (almost.i think) looked at me looking at them with wide eyes and a half-open mouth, frozen. i was like...so embarassed. haha. but it was quite funny. :)

i was saying...we got all the courses i could have been in here! coz sarah's in hospitality and tourism. and debbie is in mass comm. both of which i got in. but didn't choose. ah. sometimes i regret not choosing mass comm a bit. not that i regret choosing design. but that i regret NOT choosing mass comm [ :/ ] but well, yea. :)

i bought a skirt. ah. i think you pple have never seen me in a skirt before huh? at least not for a long time. not counting my pl uniform. ah. haha...

aniwae, happy birthday to a lot of people :)
to siew, zhi qiang and zhi gang, and jieming :)

i'm tired. but i got work to do. visco. and a bit to write in my colour journal. that's ok. but the visco one is ?!?@??#@#?%?@. :/

xue thinks poly is slack city. no. xue THOUGHT poly was slack city.

adventure camp next week! wahaha. yay! :) heh. it'd be nice to be in the comm. to be in the adventure club comm. and the design comm. or at least sub comm. but well, dunno la. (:

You are beautiful beyond description
Too marvelous for words,
Too wonderful for comprehension,
Like nothing ever seen or heard.
Who can grasp your infinite wisdom?
Who can fathom the depth of your love?
You are beautiful beyond description,
Majesty enthroned above.

And I stand, I stand, in awe of you.
I stand, I stand in awe of you.
Holy God, to whom all praise is due,
I stand In awe of you.

Blessed be Your name

ok. i shall stop wasting my time and i shall go do my work (bah to poopoo nancy :p)



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