chocolate overdose. urgh. throat feels weird now. haha. too much sweet stuff :)
going back to pl tmr! for some falala thanksgiving service. gonna be a bit boring. and as usual, ecvp and i will go a bit earlier to go through the songs once on the piano, and decide who plays which song. well, it'll be nice to see pl again :) and well, i gotta uh, collect my o'level cert. haha. joshua hasn't collected his :/
visco hw. that's nancy's hw. get some painting or whatever by an artist. re-interpret it in 6 diff ways. :/ so hard to find appropriate picture. bah.
i am....i am bored! yea! i'm actually bored! but that's coz i don't want to do my work.
but i should. pftt...

typo today was boring.
ok. actually, typo is always boring.
so sabrina, karen and i went down to the canteen for a short break by ourselves while mama chan was...doing nothing. mark was there and he was like....tsk tsk.
then we had to do this super long survey for NIE. 3 surveys. each - super long. i finished the first one and moved on to do the second one. and then she was like...ok nvm i'll ask the class tmr to do the other surveys coz it's time to leave. and i just decided to stay and complete the survey (even tho everyone had gone but joshua was there la) and mama chan was're such a good student.  
hahahaha. yea.

my grp's meeting to discuss the salome thingie. for creative thinking, classes under keejan do a poster, and a play. for the classes under peggy, they do things like, a lamp out of recycled materials, send her un-chipped potato chips thru mail with postage under 2 bucks.... eh.

oh man. i'm so bored. i should turn off the computer. and i know i'll definitely find smtg better to do. argh.

poof! (:



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