Drawing Fundamentals (T03)
2nd June (Friday)'s lesson

Review on last week's lesson : Drawing

Final line
Finished drawing

- Each point is like a step. You can move up and down anytime, but you cannot jump steps.

- No erasers or rulers should be used.
- All things to be done by hand (written down).

Practicing sketching

- Practiced sketching the top part of the overhead projector (OHP).
* Always make use of all the space given. Do not waste space.
* Always listen to instructions and follow them carefully.
eg. When supposed to use the whole page, use the whole
page, not just a small part.
eg. Do not use ruler or eraser when told not to.

Taught how to draw one-point perspective

- Anywhere you move, the object must always be parallel to you.
- The vanishing point (VP) is always on the horizon line.
- The horizon line is at your eye level and it is fixed.
- The vertical line is always 90 degrees of the horizontal line.

(refer to attatchment for drawing on perspective)

summary : parallel = horizontal = width
horizontal right angle = vertical = height
vanishes to the point = vanishin point = length

Sketching by one-point perspective

We sketched a 3-dimensional shape in one-point perspective from the flat drawing that was given to us. (Bird's-eye view and extreme right view)

The sketch and last week's homework on the bedroom drawing was checked by Mr Ronald.

Done by : Luo Jinghui


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