hello everybody. :)  oh look! the words are in black now. easier to read? :) 


ok. i shall say a bit more.

i decided not to go for the camp at all coz well, i have too much work to do. so i went for band prac in the end. was doing a bit of my colour hw. till i got sick of it. uh huh. colouring 140 squares is no joke. (i was painting faster in church than i did in sch) uh. sorry about my moodiness that night. yeaps.
this font is verdana. (just that word is verdana)it's my favourite font for like, my work or whatever. yeaps.  :)
we "made" our own photos for photo class on wed. easy. and quite fun :) terence(my tcher)'s favourite word is "bastard".
Jaeson Ma preaching tmr :) debx and lala are coming :)


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