help me think!

what should i try to sell?
for marketing design class, i have to think of a product to sell. i'll be trying to "convince" the investors to invest in my product.
eg. this guy was "selling" a pacifier. really good, that one. he said that because the birth rate in s'pore is declining, means it's now less kids per couple. so even though his product is more expensive, coz it's only one kid per couple instead of say, three, they'll be more willing to spend more money on that one kid. and that was really good. yeaps.
then there was coffee powder in pills.
and banana boat sunblock upgrade
and a dustbin with something to kill insects that come near and a what do you call it? uh....i forgot. ah. the spray nice smell one. which i thought wasn't a very good idea. not the idea. but like, how to market?! nvm.
and an improved waterbottle.
and i don't know what else

anybody got any suggestions? help!
chinee suggested photo albums.

i need to go to art friend.
i need to go to art friend to spend a lot of money.

Drawing fundamentals tmr!
why so many people don't like mr ronald?
i think he's a really nice guy. muen thinks so too. ok. so well, at least not only I like mr ronald.

and i still don't like nancy. bah.

i am waaaaay behind on my work. oh-oh.

sarah and debbie are coming to church this week! yay!
so i will be a good "host" and not stay for second service.
ok. is that being irresponsible?
ok. no. coz i'm not required to stay.

eh. but i HAVE to leave. honestly.

bloop. :)


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