Learned Helplessness

*For Hui* on social psychology ;)

Would you believe me if I told you that once we are taught to fail sub-conciously in whatever aspect, we WILL fail? Makes you doubt the power of the will ya?

A test was done:Groups A and B were given a test with 3 Q. to do. Both groups were given the impression that they were doing the SAME QUESTIONS- but actually, group B had more difficult questions.After a few minutes with Q.1, Group A naturally finished the question first (they had the easy questions, remember?). Group B was thus asked to move on instead of completing their first question.

When it came to Q. 2 Group A finished first again. Group B  was asked to move on without completing their 2nd question (again).

Final question. BOTH GROUPS HAD THE SAME QUESTION. However, within a short time, Group A managed to solve the question first!!!How is that so?? If group B FINALLY had the same question as group A, shouldn't group B finish at least at the same time as group A?Well... the answer is this.

Group B had learned helplessness. they were put in a position where they had to accept that they were helpless. they had to keep moving on to the next question because grp A was done. finally even though both groups had the same question, group B didn't even bother to try anymore.learned helplessness is a real psychological state.

why do you do so badly in what you hate? why after failing something it is so difficult to score well in it again? knowing this, you will of course guess the solution to this... BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!! TRY NO MATTER WHAT!!! ;) 

from deb who's studying mass comm :) so cool! 

  o O  o O o O o O o O o O o O o O o O o O o O o O o O o O o O o
colours colours colours make the world go round
the world go round
the world go round
- the powerpuff girls
logos are so interesting. haha.
if i had the money, i'd buy all the design books in the world. haha. yah right. ok. i wouldn't do that. but anyway. haha.
bad colour combi. anyway, colour is cool! haha. not colour class. i mean, painting, painting, painting...how cool can that get? not very cool. but anyway, whatever. i shall do well for my colour journal at least. i'll fill up that lil' book we got.
and now, i should like, just go do my work. :P
School early tmr! it's nice to go to school early and sit somewhere quiet to do your own stuff :) even reaching at 8.30 still can coz like, sch starts at 9. and everyone comes at what time? 9. haha. place so quiet. then suddenly at 9, everyone starts streaming in. lalala
Chinhui you should just go do your work.
oh yes. bardee, i can't go for the musical. anyway, it's so expensive you know? as in, seeing that it's a pl musical. ahhahaha. but i can't go anyway.
oh. i'm developing my own film tmr. i bet i'm gonna spoil it. oh yea. gotta think positive right? (refer to what i posted up there) I'm NOT gonna spoil it (yea right. terence says almost everyone will spoil their first roll. wait. did he say almost everyone? or everyone?) aniwae, how nice. i'm talking to myself.
so colouful. but what horrible colour combi. WHATEVER> bye.




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