"my baby sister is growing up. she is learning new phrases everyday, so cute. like ' my partner came late today, i want to smack her!'. sigh, all of seventeen, so cute!" -chinmei, on her blog.
uh. hokaaay
was doing my final piece for another of nancy's work and was kinda worried coz it was really bad. but anyway. handed it up. and took back the previous assignments. and whoo hoo! i got 35/40 for my previous final piece and a B for my whole assignment. whoa. was so relieved my knees actually went a bit weak. whahaha. the first assignment, i got a C+. that's ok. coz it's nancy. haha. whoohoo. i am so relieved. at least if i fail this, it won't be so bad.  ah.
i developed the negatives for my first black n white film today. good thing joyce and dawnsy was there or i wouldn't have known what to do. and uh, i put the uh...dunno what instead of the dunno what first. (the last 2 things....i did it opposite) so uh, i hope my negatives turn out ok. eeps
i have no work to hand up tomorrow! gasp!
and. heeheehee. for colour, richard wee has given us the permission to PRINT OUT COLOURS from the computer for our next pieve of homework. whahahahahaahahhaa. no need to mix paint for ONE week. ahahahahahaahaha.
but well.
i need to practice painting and using watercolours and watever.
cannot use bus stamp for express bus! sheesh. transport so expensive man.
anyway, DEBBIE! YOU ROCK! cheer up :)  *hugs*



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