stupid postcard
can't see the colour

so i gotta wake up early tmr morn to get joy before she leaves for camp.

adventure camp! haha. should be fun. and i still don't have good track shoes. only the old one with holes. hahaha. should be fun! :) yay! haha. so exciting. i like walking. i take the stairs most of the time. :)

i haven't been going jogging for a long long time. no time. not no time. but just no "right time". i have no discipline to wake up in the morning to jog. but well, i sleep late. so i don't want to wake up early. and the everning? well, by the time i get home, it's too late to jog. so i don't.

picky me will never get my track shoes. sigh.


went to the vsc year 1 studios today! and got my table. apparently, filling in the forms is of no use. you just go to a table, and stick your name there. and it's yours. and i find out now. so i don't get to choose a spot. not that it matters. but well, so terrible that they don't tell us stuff and some of us get so blur. bah. ohwells
i went to the bookshop and got lollipops.7 i think. and i offered them to whoever was in the studio. not very many people.
but anyway, so cool! to have one's own studio table! haha. have a cabinet which i'm supposed to share with xuanyun. but it's got a lock with no key. go gotta get someone to break it i guess.

band prac today. was pretty good :) and we ended by 9.15 :) whee!

sketching is sooo fun. i never knew i could draw like that. (whatever that means. not very good. but aniwae, i never knew i could draw like THAT. ha. ha) so fun. oh crap! i just remembered! i gotta email mr ronald today's lesson! ah.

see. he picks a number off the name list and makes the person email the lesson to him. he's pretty cool man. strict. talks a bit funny. but i like him man. i bought a sketchbook to do my own drawing :)) yipee!

ok. so now, let's try to find time. but first, gotta do nancy's bobo homework. stupid. so much to do! 10 pieces of blah blah. supposed to cut stuff out of mags and then paste to blah blah blah and then find another six blah blah. whatever.

mama chan is nice and so...naive. too nice already la. but she's uh, boring.

george ng's nice. he teaches me marketing design. and we did this group work thingie on mamasans. about lounges. how to attarct pple. how to get mamasans to stay. whatever. and the girls(hostesses) being the most impt thing. he said we were the most innocent class he ever got. coz all of us decided to make our current lounges more classy to attract pple. while other classes all thought of things like pole dancing and even danced or smtg(i think that's what he said). uh huh. and he was wondering whether such customers (the kind who go to uh. classy lounges) exist or not.



ok. gonna go ronald's stuff. byee

[why i type so much rubbish ah?]


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